Go suck on a Lemon.
Go suck on a Lemon.
It’s a black fly in your chardonnay...
When you take a picture with Pete Rose and HE is the one with the pained expression, thatsa problem.
Let's take as an example what's happening around 2:30:
If he's being a douche, I'll buy it. :)
Fuck Chandler Parsons because... he left for the Mavs?
Better yet, ask Tecmo Bowl:
A little Seguin-ref interaction can't make a Stars-Oilers game any worse, amirite?
This happened a few hours ago and there's 14 responses. Jesus.
Bravo, bravo, well said.
Holy shit, I had to stop being mesmerized by #46, who I'll loosely characterize as a "nickelback," waddle back on D.
Love it, fellas. I think some of the best moments in life are when you have that "I'm a quintessentially bougie motherfucker and I don't belong at [insert hoity-toity gathering here], but even though I feel mildly uncomfortable, the fuck if I'm not going to milk it for all it's worth."
A condemned punk house? Definitely wasn't the SHITTIEST costume there, assuming anyone was dressed up as GG Allin.
Honestly, I was feeling a combo of JP77 and your responses: "What balls. No, what assholes. Yayyyyy, Halloween?"
October 2001, I went to a Halloween party. There were two guys dressed as tall buildings. Suddenly, there's a noise from behind the couch. It sounds like a gurgling drunk guy going "BUH BUH BUH. BUH BUH BUHHHHHHH DUUUURRRRRRR." The two buildings start swaying.
I love Gronk. Anyone watch Bojack Horseman on the 'Flix? He's like Vincent Adultman, all growns up.
She said "That's not the first time I've heard that!"
Inconceivable, 32_Footsteps.
I'm going to handle this as diplomatically as I can: I will continue to not patronize PYT and thinking the Eagles suck.