I recently took my Nissan Skyline GT-R to CarMax for a used vehicle appraisal. This is the least likely place you’d…
I recently took my Nissan Skyline GT-R to CarMax for a used vehicle appraisal. This is the least likely place you’d…
If you walk straight out that door and take a hard left, you’ll get back to Gawker.
Yet your avatar is a chill pill, is that a reminder to yourself? I imagine you are from the enlightened north? I am from the south and I'm not offended by being called a savage, it just saddens me that your self righteousness is something you think so superior simply because of where you were birthed. I would much…
Nice try. There's no way it was a documentary, it didn't have David Attenborough narrating.
Having experience the CVT in the Forester XT, I can say that...if i had to get an auto...its not a bad way to go. I don't like the step off from rest and the throttle calibration and CVT calibrations seem to be working in two different rooms in auto mode, but when you go to sport sharp and use the fake ratios, it…
That sounds wrong.
Don't post this to the other gawker sites. You'll get tons of comments that will deride those that helped this guy as gullible and the marine should have been left to rot. I mean God forbid he wanted to hang his coat up, this marine got a whole truck.
Good. Fuck anyone who gets in the way of it. It's there to save lives, not fuck around.
Wrong. Drunk drivers have a willful disregard for public safety, and they absolutely should die.
It's not a mistake. People don't accidentally get drunk and then accidentally start their car and then accidentally drive it down the road. It was totally comprised of willful and knowingly dangerous actions, a murderer was shot and killed and the world is better for it. Your friend is also a murderer, and his life is…
Hey man, don't disparage Dr. Youabian. I've been in contact with him through email recently. Apparently there's a large sum of money sitting in customs right now, and as soon as I pay the inspection fees, he's going to bring me 14 million dollars.
Remember the Youabian Puma from the LA Auto Show? Of course you do. If you saw it in person, you're probably having…
Looking like an adult on the side of the road with the hood up because your car broke again flat-out sucks. I'd take the Subie.
I liked the 037s, and I have a place in my heart for the Fulvia, and it would likely be a pain in the ass to get the licenses for those liveries, but I otherwise agree.
Yes, its punished by loud screeching and outraged name calling.
So being a vigilante pays off huh. *Gets cape and mask and car* This forsaken city in Wisconsin needs some help from the Roadside Mechanic.
You failed to mention how all the control panels are touch screen, and how the operations center (the bridge) has a large display on the forward bulkhead. I bet this guy was picked BECAUSE his name is what it is.