Just means you get robbed twice: first, by Apple; second, by a mugger

Yeah seriously. This story is about as useful as a football bat.

so you guys are gonna write about it but not post a single screen shot of it?

A bit click bait-ish in that title... “Thoroughly reviewed and repaired 737 Max allowed to fly again” might be better. Didn’t know cancel culture of an object was possible. Before the comments light me up, I just mean to say if we can never learn from or fix our mistakes then what is the point of making anything new

As a person who pees standing up, there’s no way I can use a toilet without basically covering the rest of the bathroom in microscopic flecks of pee. So you’re welcome for peeing in the shower, anyone I share a bathroom with.

On its website, Parler boasts that it allows its users to “moderate [their] own world,” or customize what they want or do not want to see in their own feed while letting others decide for themselves what they want to see.

I think you underestimate how much slack PornHub can pick up.

Winner take all is what’s trash. It makes millions of voters apathetic about voting, and drives the two parties further and further apart.
Since it doesn’t seem like any movement to dump Winner take all rules is ever going to gain traction, Nationwide Ranked Choice is what we need.
Imagine being able to vote for a third

He’s been on a non-stop Tweetathon all night. You can smell the desperation and Adderall.

I cannot believe we’re heading into the final day of an election in which one candidate is up by over 8 points (!!!) in the polls, and yet the election is still “close” enough that I’m worried that something like this could somehow tip the election in Trump’s favor.  The Electoral College is such trash.

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Quite the glass house you guys are throwing stones from with regards to horrid, aggressively bad design.

It’s a bad logo. When I opened my phone after it went live, I said “groan”. I said the word: groan. 

But Twitter’s move crossed a line into reckless censorship with broad implications

Who’s triggered now? Republicans: outraged at everybody else for doing everything THEY actually do.

Riding 2 abreast in a narrow bike lane is not “fine,” dad there drifts out of the bike lane several times into the flow of the next lane. Yes, cars could have safely passed in this instance, but that cyclist behavior is still erratic and not a safe choice.

I don’t see any of these “near t-bones” as an issue, personally.

You’ll notice the kid came to a full stop when the parents were lagging behind (9:23), so it’s only when the parents are with the child when they run the stops. Also, weird that you only point out the bikes running stops and not every car doing the exact same thing BUT with worse situational awareness, more mass, and

then, at the next intersection, we watch the Cruise Bolt almost hit a Toyota SUV

That charming family on bikes is a bunch of morons. And who lets their kid run stop signs? Cyclists like this are why city cyclists get a bad rap.