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    Okay, now do it without the intentionally misleading headline: “Spirit AeroSystems Whistleblower Speculates of Potentially ‘Devastating Consequences’ From Manufacturing Defects

    Should’ve made sure the drone took the Russian fighter down with it...

    Am I missing something? Just looks like an Intel NUC with a different lid and a couple accessories of questionable value.

    Am I missing something? Just looks like an Intel NUC with a different lid and a couple accessories of questionable

    Jesus Christ, can he just shut up for ONE fucking day?

    I’m guessing a not-insignificant number of those are people looking to start taking screenshots of all the inevitable threats that are being posted, so that they can be used against their authors later.

    Fuck Musk. Let him sell his shares. A crazy conman like him should NOT be in charge of a platform like Twitter.

    They should just go full-on Looney Toons and quickly spin the legs in complete circles.

    You’re missing a LOT of context. McDonald’s forces franchisees to buy and use only Taylor’s machines, which are known to frequently break down and require costly repair visits from Taylor technicians that the franchisees have to pay for. Kytch made a product that can monitor the machines and identify issues before

    The Youtube channel Lawful masses has 2 videos (here and here) that go through these lawsuits and provide a lot of additional context. In short, McDonald’s/Taylor allegedly committed industrial espionage to copy Kytch’s product, induced 3rd parties to violate usage agreements with Kytch to this end, and then

    5500 pixels per square cm? Sure that’s the right count/unit? That would be drastically lower than any current technology, which counters the following statement that this will “catapult megapixel counts.”

    The original PlayStation, released in December of 1994 in Japan, was the first console to bring 3D graphics to the living room

    Number 1 things users don’t realize they can do on YouTube: NOT comment

    Totally! I keep removing these from the homepage, and even make sure to flag them as “I’ve already seen this.” You’d think that after doing 5000 times, it might occur to them that people don’t want to keep re-watching the same videos from the last hour/day/week/month/year.

    “Why not enjoy the real thing?” the author asks, WHILE NEVER FUCKING LINKING THE REAL THING ANYWHERE IN THE ENTIRE ARTICLE.

    DON’T BUY THIS. If you go through batteries quickly enough to warrant purchasing this many, do yourself (and the environment) a favor and get yourself some nice rechargeable batteries. I’m partial to Eneloops myself, and you can find some nice bundles that include a charger and multiple sizes of batteries.

    DON’T BUY THIS. If you go through batteries quickly enough to warrant purchasing this many, do yourself (and the

    Weird...was going to comment that I liked the bolder, more colorful look of previous versions, but opening up Office 2016 on my home computer, looks like they’ve back-ported at least some of this muted design to previous versions.

    How ‘bout we knock off the stupid “IKEA falls apart so easily!” bullshit? Yeah, it’s made cheaply, but as long as you’re not a gorilla, the stuff survives just fine. I’ve got stuff from over a decade ago that survived multiple trips from California all the way to Philadelphia. It really isn’t that difficult to just

    If it’s happening on your work computer, that could be the result of a policy set on the computer by your employer, which is pretty common. A lot of companies have old webapps and the like that only run in IE, so to prevent extra calls to the IT Helpdesk when something won’t load in Chrome/Firefox/etc., they just

    Or maybe it’s just beta software, and we know they’re in the process of overhauling the settings menus, and this just isn’t in the currently released build?  Seems much more likely than Microsoft completely getting rid of the Default Apps page forever.

    You mean like Windows Vista? 😜