This is a step in the right direction, but isn’t good enough. The fact that they’re not constantly muted the entire time whenever it’s not explicitly their turn to speak means that Trump is going to claim that it’s biased and they’re muting him more than Biden, regardless of whether that’s true.

I already voted. This debate is too little too late.

He’ll definitely try shouting angrily when his microphone is muted. This is Trump’s last chance to take a shot directly at Biden on stage, and he’s dragging behind in the polls and fundraising - he’ll throw everything at Biden, trying to intimidate him as much as possible. 

Condensing complex topics into 2 minute segments has always struck me as ridiculous. They should adopt an answer clock, kind of like in chess.

Remdesivir is basically Spice Melange.

America: “Why are you doing this to us?!”

Reading a more believable version is that labs send over CSV files (probably daily) which are then transformed into an XLS file (with 65k row limit), set to a particular format (set amount of named columns, data in consistent columns etc), for upload to a central database.

I’d rather see him live to serve time and have the last published photo of him be a booking photo with his makeup removed and hair undone..

Can we still send thoughts and prayers?

Thank you for your insightful answer. /s

Wow. I never really ever thought of this before.

Of course, now that this has been announced, the deepfake processing algorithms are going to be tweaked to first homogenize the base skin tone of their source material, then apply a time-based color shift to simulate the effect of a pulse, rendering this detection method useless. Then the detection will focus on

So Mozilla is spending its time adding chrome (in the sense of a thin plating of shiny) to Firefox while it pushes out an update to Firefox for Android that strips out 99% of its customizabilty, hides the ‘back’ button inside a puldown menu, made which tab the browser switches to when you close your current tab work

Hey! that was sort of the plot to Jurassic Park 3 (and sort of not)

Omg 100% they would absolutely speak to the goddamn manager about this!

It wasn’t even the Indominus, as the article states. It was actually a carnotaurus. They encounter the Indominus a few times, but since this is happening concurrently with Jurassic World, her dance card is pretty full, and it would be pretty weird if she was half blown-up and scorched at the beginning of the battle


I am devastated that the death of this amazing woman will be so vastly overshadowed by the horribleness of the GOP politicians in office, all of which are so far beneath her that their names shouldn’t be mentioned in the same breath as this most admirable judge.

Goddammit.  Remember, when somebody facetiously asks if this year could get any worse, remind them the answer to that question is an unqualified yes.  RIP, Justice, nobody fought harder and earned that rest more than you.