Been doing it wrong for decades, not much to hang your hat on.

I for one can’t wait to see the 2019 Matsumura Fishworks-Tamaribuchi Heavy Manufacturing Concern Amphibolos!

Tao from the original Incredible Journey when the animals didn’t talk.

failure to practice.

Republicans: We believe in _________.*”

For historical accuracy, he has been pissing off Americans before he became POTUS.

Californians didn’t...

California was the first state to really limit emissions and require fuel efficiency, so when the Clean Air Act, and act of Congress passed by Nixon, CA was granted an exemption from the general rule that states can’t pass different standards. In part, this was due to politics, but it was also due to the fact that CA,

California’s regulations apply only to cars sold in California and other states that voluntarily opt in.  

Republicans - “We believe in states rights.*”

Its not about power. Its about sheer numbers. There’s over 40 million of us and so when it comes to things like cars and trucks, when we come up with our own state’s standards those automakers will comply with us because it makes no sense to make two different kinds of cars when so many cars are sold here. Besides-

CARB was created to regulate CA’s emissions. Other states signed on because they wanted to follow the same standards. Has nothing to do with CA wanting to control the country.

Apparently smog was what made america great. Who could have known?

Vista got shit on because no one had the hardware to run it properly when it first came out. The Motherboard video output on your Gateway or Dell wasn’t going to cut it, you needed a GPU. I remember finally re-installing Vista so I could install Crysis in DirectX 10. I had been previously running XP on new gaming

Windows Vista at launch?

Now playing

It is not hyperbole to say it might be the most hated software product Microsoft has ever produced