No these are CFM-56 engines not PW. These were made by GE/Snecma.

How is this an indictment of capitalism?  

Fyi, it’s "CFM International Inc., a joint venture of General Electric Co. and France’s Safran SA that makes engines for 737 jets, said it was working with Boeing on the matter." in case you were wondering who made the engines. 

Ok, you all realize that that’s a composite image, right? The photographer selected the exposures which had a satellite pass through it and stacked them on top of one another. He could just as easily have selected the ones that didn’t have a satellite.

Man, this sucks. In my opinion, Grant was the nerd I want to be, taking and spreading joy in everything he did. 

As a rule, Stalin remained in the edited photos. Others were removed.

“Let me be clear, Oregon State Police Troopers are not above the law and this conduct is being immediately addressed,”

Boss said he felt compelled to fulfill their drink orders because they were in uniform, even though he said he had sent other patrons away earlier for not wearing masks.

Just a note to anyone working or managing a location. Regardless of whether or not your state/county/city has a mask mandate, or even if that mandate is legal/enforceable/constitutional, your business can have a policy requiring masks.

These police officers should’ve been refused service and asked to leave based on the

Completely opposite of where I am.

Where exactly does Cadet Bonespurs fit into the DC police chain of command that he can carry out his threat? Or is this another of his threats that’s a pretty blatant violation of the Posse Comitatus Act?

Yes, I’m aware that early Android pulled heavily from the original iPhone, i.e. the only successful Apple product to actually innovate. But once 4.0 came out, the shoe was on the other foot.

Be sure to check on your Android buddies. There’s a good chance they’re fighting off aneurysms given that they’ve had these features for a good long time now.

Apple never made their own chips. The first Macs used Motorola the 68K series, then they Switch to PowerPC which were made by Motorola and then IBM. After that they used Intel. They began developing their own silicon with the iPhone and they have worked on them since.

I remember the celebrations from them dumping their own hardware in favor of Intel chips.

Bold? Not particularly. It wouldn’t be the first time.

The innovation is startling. 

Why wouldn’t you include the app store links in the article?

Yep!  I was pondering including something about diskpart, but I figured the easiest method is to just tell people to make one small change they can easily see on their desktops.