I never heard of it. Gonna look into it. Thank you for the tip.
I never heard of it. Gonna look into it. Thank you for the tip.
Believe me, if I see a Nintendo Wii U in stock anywhere I will definitely buy one immediately.
Sweet. I'd like to see if Hulu would allow their online only content on it. Thanks for the tip! I've been curious about XBMC for a while. Three days off for Thanksgiving so now is the best time to give it a shot!
Man, I was flipping through the two sites. This is pretty cool! Thanks for the tip!
(((GASP))) I want one! I'm sick and tired of subscription streaming services only allowing some content to be viewed on your computer. I don't want some huge tower in my living room, so this might be what I need. Unless readers here can offer an alternative that is just as small. I'm all ears!
I love this! This is great! Oh wait...no Apple logo. Never mind. It sucks.
Android 4.2 might be on the new Nexii based on this leak.
Fingers crossed for a 32GB like last year's model.
Sweet, there's still hope!
Since the rumored LG Nexus seems to have 8GB and no expansion slot, an alternate Nexus device is welcome. 8GB is just - stupid. It may be that the prototype is 8GB though and that the production model won't suck.
Yep, pretty much. In some places in Mexico you can be arrested for something as simple as standing outside a home that is not your own (i.e. a friend or relative's home). If you DO get stopped, be polite, and ask if you can skip the inconvenience of going to the police station by paying the fine there and then. It may…
This made my Friday.
Word, Brotha. Word. Now everyone go grab a beer. It's Friday!
Yea, it's disappointing. I'm sad that people will be duped into buying this shameful phone over the larger, better one. If Apple can cram good specs into 4 inches - why can't they? Is it greed? Making a quick buck off of the name that is supposed to imply quality sucks. Shame on Samsung. I hope it doesn't reach US…
I really hope it does. If it does come with one, I would get one. Now if we could only replace that back plate with something custom. The sparkly doesn't matter to me, but it would be nice to have that option.
The patent part is what everyone is mad about, not the implementation of an idea. For example, the iPhone 5 has a panoramic camera and a notification curtain - and it should - but so do Android phones that are over a year old. No one cares. People will care if Apple gets a patent for them though. When they patent…
Hmmm...good point. I love Prey by the way.
I just got schooled that the Atrix had this first. I stand corrected.
I just got schooled that it was on the Atrix before. My comment was a fail.