RCU Celaya

It's all yours.

Yep, I'm with you. My friends and I once took an alcoholic test at a bar (of all places) and, yep, we were all alcoholics according to the results. I have two beers or so a day and when I go out I can easily consume a lot more. I don't know if I am an alcoholic or not. I still feel that I don't need it, but enjoy it.

Oh, thought this was from The Hunger Games.

I always thought that I was a person that didn't buy a lot of gadgets and whatnot. After reading this list I realized I'm a consumer whore. I bought almost everything on this list this year.

I always thought that I was a person that didn't buy a lot of gadgets and whatnot. After reading this list I

I heard that officers aren't required to do a sobriety test when arresting someone for being drunk in public. Is this true?

Getting out of debt is definitely not easy. I had to make a change in lifestyle. I quit my job and moved to get away from the spending lifestyle. I worked for years and I had nothing to show for it except debt. I agree, fun money is a luxury you shouldn't have if you're in deep debt. Hopefully the journey will change

I have to say that this article hit the nail on the head. I was in some deep debt some years back. I'm still in a little debt, but it's debt that won't be around for much longer. It wasn't easy to get out. I followed all of these steps, though I haven't reached Breakdance Party yet. Funny, now that I'm not hurting

I was really looking forward to the Xbox One's integration with my cable box. Unfortunately it's awful. I lose audio frequently and the screen freezes when I change channels. On Demand doesn't work at all. I plugged my cable box directly into my TV instead. I was very disappointed.

Yea, way off. I didn't like this one.

There is one good reason to own a Wii-U: Kids.

When you are stopped by a cop get ready to be arrested and searched. Never carry anything illegal on your person or in your car. Always cooperate immediately and don't offer the slightest bit of resistance. A sudden movement can leave your teeth behind on the pavement. Be aware that a cop does not need much to arrest

I would like iTunes as an option to purchase media from on non-iOS devices.

Does it come with croissant holders? Are those seats croissant crumb resistant? That may explain the price.

I hate that most freeways in the Bay Area have "80."

Correction: Super Hyper Ultimate Special Championship Edition Street Fighter 4: Third Strike Alpha.

My biggest complaint with the PS controllers is that the buttons get stiff over time (in particular the triangle). Also, no two controllers are the same. I have one with a stiff triangle button, but everything else is fine. The controller I use most has a functioning triangle button (for now), but the button under the

+1. Nice one.

Way more than I actually use. Seriously, I gotta clean up this app drawer. It's looking like my actual, physical, junk drawer. Do I really need an electromagnetic field detector? I'm not a Ghostbuster!

Aliens is the one video game franchise that has so much potential to be great, but something always comes along to screw it all up. One day they'll get it right. One day.