RCU Celaya

I recently was approached by a friend who says her son (age 10) has taken an interest in computers as a hobby, but he doesn't know where to start. Since you spend a lot of time with young people who also love computers, any advice for a young mother who wants to help her son expand his new hobby?

3M - Soon there will be 2 kinds of people. Those who use paper, and those who use 3M

Wait for it...wait for it...


Well, let's count the arrows. Which company has the most arrows going out? Then we'll see who the patent troll is.

Is that an untouched photo pf Murdoch? Just wondering because he looks so much like Troll Face.

Who has the patent for NFC, generally?

I never thought of that! But that would be great to try out! Impractical, but if you REALLY want to get into someone's phone, well, you gotta do what you gotta do. If you try it out, please update. I'd like to know.

Attended a wedding with a swollen black and blue ankle. I was complaining about the pain because of my dress shoes. I was also seated way too far form the bar. This has a few things going for me: Bad angle (look at my neck!), drunk and my face looks just awful. Sadly, earlier this year. I'm still leaving it there.

Recently The Verge wrote a great story about the life and death of Palm. I wonder if their writers have started documenting all this to write one about Blackberry.

I heart you for this. And...is that pineapple in that picture?Al pastor with pineapple slices is the best! I guess I know what I'm having for lunch today!

I admit (red faced), I've been using it a lot recently. Usually when I'm walking somewhere and I'm carrying something in one hand (I type with two in landscape). I prefer touch input, but it does come in handy when I'm walking. I like to pay attention to where I'm walking and hate talking and texting as much as I hate

If Apple won against Asus and Microsoft I would be more disappointed. It seems like they are the only ones producing tablets that have a chance at competing with the iPad. So as annoying as this is and as much as it angers me tech companies are doing this, I can't help to not care as much. The Galaxy Tab is just,

I've found that it usually improves battery life. I recently loaded it, so we'll see.

Improved battery life! Siri! (Just kidding on Siri) Seriously, improved battery life and faster performance is always welcome.

If I am reading this, I am not in "the zone."

Vote: ASUS RT-N56U

At the risk of sounding like a troll I will ask this as neutral as possible: Not as important as an Apple event maybe?

I think I would have stayed if they deployed it in the San Francisco area. ETA for San Francisco is one year. I'll see how long I can remain off contract. I really hope they can pull through. The rep I spoke with said they are "tearing down and putting up" new cell phone towers and that the new ones will operate on a