When I came home from Germany in the 80's and wanted a beer that tasted like beer the only one available in the stores was Anchor Steam. This was before the microbrew trend started in the 90's.
When I came home from Germany in the 80's and wanted a beer that tasted like beer the only one available in the stores was Anchor Steam. This was before the microbrew trend started in the 90's.
I was stationed in Augsburg for three years. I miss that practically every beer I had was better than any American beer. (This was in the 80's) ,5l of beer was 3 Dmarks and a liter was 6DM at the time. It was great when the exchange rate was over 3 to 1.
Same here in Nevada. Also they can hold up traffic without ever getting pulled over. No license, registration, or insurance needed.
I’m giving the kind drivers the accolades here. The scooter rider is lucky the people were paying attention enough to not splatter his dumb ass over the freeway.
Even the one on the space station I’ve read isn’t that great. They say it smells and that occasional bits of poop float around. All that BO and poop smell in an area you can never air out, brutal.
I was going to mention that Rubens father was a member of the early IAF. I was watching a documentary on it and then Rubens and his mom pop up on the screen. Very interesting.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds leather seats not good. Growing up in Vegas vinyl or leather seats in a car sitting out in the sun could be painful. Also a leather couch gets sticky. I don’t get the love of leather seats indoors or out.
This is why all those cutesy videos on the internet of people interacting with wild animals is bad. It leads people to believe they can just walk right up to a wild animal and it’ll be like a petting zoo. Wild animals deserve respect and if you don’t respect them they can fuck you up quick and hard.
The Captain was pretty against over commercializing kid’s shows. Like he didn’t like the toy tie-ins of shows like He-Man. He testified to Congress against it. He may have been an ass at times I’m sure but he was pro-kid issues.
Hijabs are worn as to not incite the desires of men. It’s a symbol of oppression. The onus of men’s desires is placed on women. It’s a codified “She dressed like a slut so she deserved to be raped” kind of thing.
A hijab isn’t oppression? Muslim women who wear one wear it as to not incite men’s desires. Isn’t that giving in to the patriarchy?
NDT uses science to aggrandize himself. He’s worse than Peter Venkman. He is so full of himself. NDT needs to STFU and just do science for science’s sake not to pump up his already massive ego.
It’s not a real recline so I don’t bother. Personally I think no seat in those tight coach space should recline.
ESPN has learned that people who want to watch or listen about sports don’t want politics injected into it that’s one of the reason to watch or listen about sports. Politics aren’t so important that they have to be in every fucking aspect of our lives. Sports are a nice escape from everyday worries.
As a kid that’s how I got my burgers. Just the patty and bun. I was a picky bastard. Got to say though it was always hot off the grill.
I don’t want to have to dislocate my jaw to eat something so double is usually the max for me.
That’ll give them an hour since they’ll sweat out 1.5-2 quarts in an hour
33 burned to death. Those poor people.
They shot and killed a guy who ran the gate at the test site this Jan. They are not regular security guards. They are well trained and heavily armed. With all the classified stuff and nuke tech they take security seriously.
Face facts kids if Scarlett isn’t the star of the movie good change it won’t get made. Investors,the people paying to make the movie like to make money on a movie. So if there isn’t a big star attached to it good chance it won’t get made. So if she didn’t sign on to be in Ghost In A Shell it doesn’t get made.