
My grandfather put a number of different locks on a board for me. I’m told it held my attention pretty well. 

D’ Antoni will have to be a wizard to make this work. 

Hey, this saves the Rockets lots of money since they only have to put two guys on the court because sure as shit Harden and Westbrook will be the only ones with the ball.

Jesus, that is among the highest things I’ve seen go over someone’s head. 

Kinda waiting for the 3DO system to come out.

Dude, I’m still mad that the hijackers wanting to go to Cuba made us all go through metal detectors. 

A good chicken sandwich is something that McD’s has not been able to do.

Close, it was Fernando

He was outright foolish. We even told him so.

Not so much more money. I worked with a guy who was entranced by a stripper. He would just giver her stuff even though he couldn’t afford it. He sold all the appliances in his condo to get her stuff. He had to move in with his parents who bought him the condo. 

Just try watching older movies once in a while. 

Instead we have a bunch of mooks who have never played and watch it in slo mo all know exactly how things should have gone. Both of the players made quick decisions to move inside and this unfortunately happened. 

Watch the video again, the catcher moved inside too. 

Why do you ignore that Lacroy moved inside too? This was an accident but a lot of people just want to denigrate Jake. There were two players reacting not just one.

Lacroy moved inside too, are most of you just ignoring that? 

We had just gotten Blue Bell in Vegas and not long after they had to shut down for the lysteria. They have not comeback 

Her community service should be for a good cause where she works with people who need help. 

I’d give her a night in jail to impress on her what a jerk she was and 6 months of meaningful community service to give her a change to her values. 

The Guy Fieri brand BBQ sauces should be tried if only because they use a glass bottle and not plastic. 

I hate Bud, it’s a terrible beer out of the can or tap usually.