
I wan't aware of any Christian theocracys... it's 2014. I think most Christians have grown out of that crap. I assume most other religiously-led countries have as well, right?

...and compared to the death and destruction case by Islam?

You're racist for telling that story :)

Oh, but we get way more support of we blame it all on white men, ya know.

Nobody on this board will even touch your comment because it is true.

When did Islam become a race?

This is JEZEBEL for goads sake!!! Please don't post anything slightly resembling reason and rationality here... it has no place, ya know!


Some people can only feel better about themselves by putting down others.

Awesome. Just, awesome...

Gotcha... I'd just assume that most (or a high percentage at least) people eating in an African restaurant would be from that area of the world. Not all, but a good percentage, at least.

So the people staying away from this restaurant were all white? Interesting...

Clearly you're joking, but I'm sure many on this site will go crazy over the obvious troll attempt.


Awesome. You are awesome.

I agree with Flory... I totally wanna screw MRSRB101 whenever she's doing the dishes/laundry/helping the kids/the day ends in "y"...

Then you will die off (perhaps alone... but definitely with no kids/grand-kids around), leave nothing for this world (no kids of your own to live on) and therefore shouldn't really have much of an opinion on anything that will last longer than your own, childless life.

I have 4 kids and MrsRB101 is a stay at home mow. Your post is very accurate... most mums are have it together... or are on thier way. There is only a small percentage who are messed up.

ha! Slut pills! never heard that one...

Awesome post. Pleasure to read.