
Syed Farooq

Come on, fellow progressives! We can easily defend this misogyny before people come here and start to point out things that don’t fit our narrative!


I feel like the author of this article tried really, really hard to generate some outrage towards Jezebels 2nd favorite target group (white women), but as the comments prove, has not quite hit the mark.

Allow me to explain:

There it is!!! Was scrolling down trying to find it... thanks!

And as we all know, only white dudes can be sexist assholes.

What language is this? :)

This one (ISIS) is still going on... let’s wait until they are finished, then tally the score.


So where are all the western Christian armies raping and thousands of women... distributing pamphlets about the process and making international headlines?

Welcome to Jezebel!


Hahaha.... the legendary infighting on Jez.... hilarious!!!

Do I even want to read these stories? Ugh... I kinda do... but then again... I kinda do.

Yup... you can be mad at this movie all you like (although you seem silly and childish and petulant if you do), but there is a greater cause at play here than your nerd-fan checklist.

Every single one! Especially the ones just born! They are the worst....

After KOing BC, Rousey leaned over her and said “Don’t cry...”, which was what BC was SCREAMING at her at the weigh ins...

In football, you are GUARANTEED TO BE HIT IN THE HEAD... not so in MMA. Many wrestlers/BJJ guys compete with few strikes throw/landed.

So.... everyone here on Jez is coll with 50Cent posting revenge porn? Cause you all seem to be casually shifting the conversation over to your mutual hatred (and warranted... she sucks..) of Handler.