
FUGAZI... good... very good. But Red Medicine isn't the best... I;d go In On The Kill Taker on a "good song per album" basis. I mean, Bed for Scraping has probably one of the best intros of any song ever (about as goose-bump infusing/get you pumped as you can get!), and Back to Base is drivefastfuckawesome, but the

Looks big, strong & capable... pretty much the qualities that I'd like when someone is trying to save my life.

Shout Out TO McGURK!!!!!!!!!! Nice...............

To be fair, the show was FAAAAAR funnier when it first started. It's seems to have lost its quirkiness. I mean, it's OK now... just not as "knock it out of the park" funny as it started out as.

MrsRB101 is a hover master while using public toilets (her thighs are strong!). She's a sitter-shitter at home. It's a fear of germs... she works from home, and we don't go out much, so I don't really see a need for the covers considering she'd only use them like a few times a year.

Hahaha.. I actually used to do this when I was a kid... up until I was probably 14-15 or so. Not anymore, but man... sure is funny.

wow... that about sums it up right there!

whoa whoa whoa now... hang on a second; we can talk about this first, right? Fist off, I DO NOT KNOW those other dudebros there... they are not with me, k? K... so, onto this issue of BJ's...

so Putin... so, so Putin.

awesome... too funny...


Seasons 2-4 C R U S H Season 6...

That is very unfortunate.

Oh dude. Those are fighting words.

No way... CJ & X have a much stronger back catalog than Black Flag. On the strength of Keith Morri's voice alone...

They just might be. Damaged was amazing, as most here will agree, but the rest of thier stuff was really what the world was calling "HC". But even being what it was... it was not very good. And I like sludgy stuff. But it was not good. And let's not chat about the 2013 release.

Yea... just had to post that she is ridiculously hot...

Hahaha... I'm gonna call Mrs. RB101 a cock-hoslter! That's awesome!

Yup... dead giveaway right there.
