this cart makes me sad. And I love boobies as much as the next guy, but yeeeesh.... boobs are no good when yer dead. From heart disease.
this cart makes me sad. And I love boobies as much as the next guy, but yeeeesh.... boobs are no good when yer dead. From heart disease.
As a user of many bits all the time, you are correct; they won't be pink for long.
I know... we should just kill them all, and then the world will be interesting. Amazing how simple that is!
In your opinion, they pull it off best. Cool.
That is bullshit behavior and nobody should have to deal with that shit.
I'd be pretty pissed off that they defaced my book! Oh, and that's a pretty arrogant thing to do.
You might be gay, but you're still white. And race trumps gender on this site, no matter what.... sorry.
I read reddit... and saw nothing of this on there. I don;t read the porny reddits... just Starcraft/architecture/MMA and furniture design reddits. Maybe that's why.
Totally.. I only knew because of the coverage here.
Now it just seems like they're pissed off at her for some reason... I don't get it.
Of course not, but it's hip and easy to bash the US for any & everything... are you new to Gawker? Facts often get in the way of a witty post.
Hahaha.. I hate Cersei, hate cats and love House Stark. 2/3... not bad!
Posting on Jez + NOT hating Lena Dunham = mind exploding...
this boggles my mind. What better way to drop 3-5 O's for your girl than by going down on her? Bizarre... I always utilize the ladies first approach with Mrs. RB101... I'll give her 2-3 body shakes before I even attempt to throw it in her (wanna make sure the pipes are well greased, right?). Then not only is she all…
Totally... you gotta take the car for a test drive first before you buy it.
Stop having sex with assholes is just a great motto, period.
I've been with Mrs. RB101 for 11yes (in December), and I have ALWAYS let her know when it's finishing time. BJ, vag or anal.... she always knows when I'm about to finish.
Oprah Winfrey's Chai Tea.
That's what Mrs. RB101 says... she hates the tastesand says she swallows better when I cum in the back of her throat, because then she can just swallow it down quickly.
Yes, yes you are an angel. My wife swallows all the time, and we both know it's because of the mess issue and because I like it that way.