
that's what my wife says... it's easier in the mouth, and even easier when she swallows. Yay for me!!!!

this makes sense.

Hahahaha.... some here! Awesome...

You are aware that you are asking a lot of them, right?

This is great news! One day, the world (maybe minus the ME) will look back at this and wonder why it was ever a big deal. One can hope.

one of greatest of all time. ALL TIME!!!

exactly what I was thinking!

Damn dust in my eye!!!

Yup... best way to handle it.

now THAT'S funny... nice!

That's pretty lame on your part.

Makes sense. Thanks for the reasoned & legit response.

Yea.. I love the 5 Point, never found them to be "too cool for school" and going in there with a party of 6?? Sheesh... it's tight for a paty of 1!


Very true. Well said.

Or orgies. Probably just giant orgies.

Math is fucking awesome. And so is fucking.This story is the good shit.

Jez commentators heads collectively explode at the thought that thier ideal of what is socially acceptable is not the same as other places...

I actually like that name. I like all thier names, actually: Joren and Leidy sound cool, too. Too bad about everything else... but I dig thier names.

That's bizarre... I wonder why they discriminate between the two?