RAF Captain Pott Scarker

You were a no show. What a fucking pussy.

If that's true I really will beat your bloody. See you in an hour and a half bitchass.

Me too! Home or away?

Sounds a little risky to just randomly attack a person. Why don't you tell me what you're wearing?

How will I recognize you?

Pussy. Fine: Meet me at Oak Street Beach at 6:30. Bring bandaids.

I'm serious chump. Where do you want to meet for me to beat your ass?

So where do you want to meet to fight? I get off work at 6. Pussy.

I'm in Chicago. Want to fight me? Cleveland is for wankers and hasn't won a championship for a really long time. Want to have a go at me, champ? Buckaroo? Come at me, bro.

I'll fight you.

I find these descriptions quite droll, thanks.

True, and given PSG's ambitions and money they might well be the "some other team" for some time to come.

I just think shrugs are a little silly, to each his own. (you: shrugs, me: watching dudes do shrugs and giggling)

Walking back and forth carrying 250 pounds is probably a lot more worth your time than shoulder shrugs. I guess you could shrug your shoulders while you walked?

Ligue 1 has had 6 different champions in the past 6 seasons.

LOL, shoulder shrugs.

I have found that politely saying "excuse me" generally resolves situations where people are in my way.

Wigan isn't doomed — they're going to smash Arsenal on Tuesday.

Which is not the same thing as being "doomed.

That's Captain Scarker to you.