
I realized that I've been dying a lot more in this one than previous ones. Some of the stuff they throw at you is tough.

Wait, I thought it was about me - I'm Michael!

The wallpaper "Computer Pirate" is actually called "21st Century Pirate" by Aled Lewis, and you can buy it as a t-shirt over at Threadless [www.threadless.com] :)

I believe he means in-game cash... at least, I hope.

I worry for a world that wants Mario and Sonic Olympics over Skyrim...

I'm totally with you on this one. The whole "it's more immersive" card is total bullshit. Me and a friend wanted to do co-op in this game, and this little feature just made doing that a lot more inconvenient. I mean really... if people want to "be immersed" just don't do party chat. Big whoop. Making it impossible by

Flashback was the first video game I've ever played. Never could get past the first level though; I never really knew what to do. Still, it will always hold a special place in my heart. :)

It's kind of annoying that the majority of the skins available must be purchased. The skins earned should be greater than the skins purchased. If they were $1 I'd consider it but $3 is a bit too much to change the color of my gun.

I came here just to see that clip. :)

I'm a little confused - does it have its own mulitplayer component or are they just maps for Reach?

I loved Borderlands. I played mostly single player and 2 player co-op. Both were so fun. Own the Game of The Year version with all expansions. Can't wait till Borderlands 2!!

Top image reminds me of this awesome Threadless tee. Such a classic. Makes me laugh every time.

I wonder what sort of special characters they'll have this time around?

Remember the rumors of Keira Knightly being the star role? Wonder if they'll make it true... haha, highly doubt it.

Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about those!! I had a wacky one, it was a sort of four legged velociraptor, black and red. But boy was it awesome! Thanks for the nostalgia. :)

Lonely Star is the best song. Sooo good.Heck what am I saying. The whole soundtrack is awesome!

The girl that's saluting looks waay more attractive than her photoshop counterpart.

Yeah, I guess you could say that. Interesting indeed...

Hm, I never really realized that after he pulled the Master Sword, Link was essentially a child in a young adult's body. Must've been weird waking up to that, hah. Also, I've always wondered how they got those tights on him...

Yes, but think how much MORE awesome it would look if it were HD!