
Sooo tempted to pony up the cash and build a real good PC for this game. I've heard that Oblivion was way more awesome on the PC, so there's no reason this won't be as well. To all you PC gamers out there: How much do you think it would cost to build a PC that would be capable of displaying the graphics like it's

I've got faith in this. Enslaved was one of my favorite games of last year. If they can bring the character development and storytelling of Enslaved to this, I'm sold.

Woaah, what is that? Looks like something fan made (because of the Microsoft/Activision logos), but I am curious as to where you found this.

I still want Microsoft Courier... :(

Hah, I was kind of thinking the same thing. "It's Windows. Everything just runs," ...wait, it does?

It's up for voting on Threadless too. Check it out!

This makes me wonder how she'll look in the remake... Think they'll keep the infamous pointy boobies?


Hah, that's exactly what I was thinking. My first thought was "No WAY he could do that without decapitating the guy!"

OH MY GOSH! I saw that movie AGES ago, when I was just a kid. Ever since I've always wondered what the movie was but could never remember. Thanks! :D

I like your avatar. I did a charcoal drawing of it not too long ago. :) [r3d-fox.deviantart.com] (if you want to see it)

Same here. Mine has been chugging along for ages now, but MAN it's loud. Almost unbearably so.

I may be scorned for saying this, but how was that game? I've never played it but always have been interested.

I'll be honest. I'm getting the Limited Edition only for completing my Gears LE collection. I got the first one as the Limited Edition, so to follow suite I did it again for Gears 2. Therefore, I must complete the collection by getting it for Gears 3. Funny thing is, I don't really use any of the bonus stuff. I just

One thing i want is to be able to sync different categories from iCal to my phone... Right now I have just one category and it's really nice, but it would be even BETTER if I could do all my categories.

I think what he means by "biggest game of 2011" is that it will sell the most. MW2 was the best selling game of all time (right?) so who's to say it's sequel won't do the same, if not better? Of course there are other games that are superior, but none that will sell more. CoD is just too popular.


Agreed. I had a lot of fun with this game. One thing I do hope is that they push the cell shaded graphics more, a la Studio Ghibli. I want it to feel more like I'm playing the cartoon.

I'm an illustrator and this app has caught my eye. I already own a Intuos 4 Wacom tablet, but I've been looking into getting the Cintque because you draw on the screen, allowing you to see more clearly what you are doing. Only problem is, the Cintique runs for around $1000, money I don't really have.

Eh, I'll give this the benefit of the doubt. I thought Brotherhood was just going to be like an expansion of AC2, but it turned out to be really awesome and an improvement on 2 in every way. Here's to hoping Revelations will do the same.