
I remember when I was in Istanbul earlier this year, the cigarette packages were similar to this. One even had a picture of a dead guy in a morgue. Another with children who are obviously depressed and miserable. At first I thought it was a joke and was completely surprised when I found out they were real.

I noticed that too. In the blurb thing it says Jekyll, but in the actual article it says Hyde. Woops!

I remember at Black Friday a couple of years ago it was running for around $25.. I still regret not picking it up. Granted, I looked... but still. Darn it!!

What? Why would you ever want another world war?

What generation of MBP do you have, if you don't mind me asking? And how well can you run it? I have a mid 2009 generation and can run Dragon Age and kind of low settings smoothly.

These are awesome. I love minimal work like this. Only nitpick is the text on the Lion King poster. When it comes to good design, things usually line up. The fact that the "I's" in Lion and King don't line up properly kinda bothers me. Other than that they're pretty sweet!

What is that picture from? It looks so familiar...

it took me a second to get it... but when I did... hahaha, boy. That was funny.

Every Uncharted game. Those games alone are worth the PS3 to me. Also the God of War Collection and GoW 3 are also pretty awesome.

No problem. I was waiting for you guys to do this! So many great little details, I love it! I cannot wait!!

Not sure if this is a significant thing or not, but I noticed it when watching the trailer. As you can see, in the first trailer the goey creature Michael Fassbender is interested with is translucent and green. You can kind of see it's skeleton, or something like that. In this new trailer, it's instead covered with an

EDIT: Looks like my question has already been answered! :P

There's also a big 'ol CRT tv - another clue to the era in which this was made. I think you are on to something here...

Now playing

Reminds me of this. Except the rap has more sexual innuendos. I like the ukelele song - it was very nice and pleasant. :)

For being a New York Times best selling author, you'd think they would get a better artist to do the covers. That first one is absolutely awful. I'd say it took ten minutes max, by someone who is just starting to use Photoshop. The posterize filter on the guitar makes me want to throw up as an artist. I could do a

I half expected the car one to drive the track the kids drew using the camera or something. Slightly disappointed, unjustly so.

AH! I remember that commercial - seen it so many times in my childhood. Thanks for the nostalgic flashback. :)

No X-Men: First Class or Super 8? :( Kind of disappointing, those were some of my favorite movies this past year. Ah well, to each his own.

I've been wondering who's voice this was for such a long time but couldn't find it.

hahahah this one is so good. Winner perhaps? :)