For someone who says they are normally against violence, you seem very keen on it.
For someone who says they are normally against violence, you seem very keen on it.
If he doesn't believe she is a grieving mother and thinks she is an actor, then in his broken view of reality he isn't doing something wrong. That's not a failure to distinguish between right and wrong, it is a failure to distinguish between reality and delusion. Using violence as retaliation would just be making…
The point is that if it is a delusion (rather than him being a disgustingly horrible troll), he isn't knowingly causing harm to the family because he thinks they are actors. All the more reason to make sure he gets treatment, so that he doesn't continue to hurt people doing things like this.
Rape culture isn't a bunch of rapists coming together in a secret society. It refers to the fact that many people (otherwise good people) believe in myths about rape that either make it more prevalent, or make victims more vulnerable. Things like blaming people for their rapes, because of their clothing or behaviour,…
I'm talking about the many ways in which we soften or adapt our speech to indicate politeness or sociability. The argument made against uptalk is often that it isn't sufficiently direct or authoritative, but that is a double standard. I also disagree that authoritative speech is inherently more valuable.
What I mean is that asking if they "could please" do something is when you change your *orders* into questions. It is just type of softening your communication.
Would you consider using "could you please do ...." as a sign of insecurity when you are telling someone to do something? Or would you just consider it polite?
You are assuming that they are asking a question, because to you that is what the raised tone at the end of the sentence means. But to them it is a way to express other things, such as friendliness. As someone with an accent that includes uptalk, when it goes away it means I am angry or taking on a lecturing tone.
My kid likes to wipe counters and tables. We let her 'wash' her dishes sometimes too, although they need to be washed properly again later.
Also, I just realised how creepy it is that a kid that age has figured out the tactic of separating their victim from friends and family (by befriending the younger one).
You might find it helpful to learn more about the ways in which your body adapts to pregnancy. Our bodies do some pretty cool stuff, and thinking about it that way can help you feel more proud of it.
I really think there should be a teacher or other responsible adult assigned to ride on school buses to supervise the kids. The driver shouldn't be responsible for it because they are busy driving, and it clearly isn't safe to leave a bunch of kids to their own devices.
Ugh I remember that guy. He seemed to think that people who were in possession of child pornography were victims of the child who created it, because that child was making them into a criminal. And I don't mean people who were sent the image against their will (i.e. were sexually harassed by the sender), but people…
In your case the adults responsible failed you, but I don't think the new law will help address those problems. We will still have parents, teachers, police and other adults who don't seem to understand the dynamics of bullying deciding what counts as bullying, and which people get charged. I think the tool is both…
No, I'm not misusing the word. Why don't you just say you disagree with my assessment of the situation instead of pretending that I don't understand words?
Because this was something done purely for their own entertainment, with charity being the tool to manipulate other people into participating.
A lot of people seem to think we shouldn't talk about it unless we can do something about it. But just because we can't do something, doesn't mean we should ignore it. We need to acknowledge what has happened to these girls, and not forget it.
Because it is compulsory they try to make it easy. There are plenty of locations (often school halls or churches) and they are open from 8am to 6pm. Also, you can submit a postal vote if you won't be able to get to a booth on the day.
People do get away with violence and hate speech against all of these groups. There are times when protection for each group varies, but I think it is mostly confirmation bias. We are better at noticing insults towards ourselves than towards others. I have noticed plenty of times when people say something sexist that…
If you could safely and non-invasively remove the fetus and put it in an incubator, then it would be different. But until then, the person who is pregnant needs to be able to decide whether they will continue to be pregnant. They do not have the obligation to put their health at risk to incubate a fetus for someone…