
I couldn't agree more - the new site isn't just useless - it is frustrating.......... just bring back the old site till they can design something better

in the Sprint Cup series the only total fatty is that Danica dude.

some tool will hang the body on his wall as "art"

my Dad bought me a Dentist office, a white coat and one of those drill thingies... come on down... 10% discount on fillings for all Jalopnik readers

1st of all, "both" Bill France(s) are no longer with us. Bryan France is at the top, but isn't involved with penalty decisions - that's up to Robin Pemberton and Mike Helton.

Kyle Busch did 128 in a 45.... and then kissed a lot of sponsor ass

this picture!

snapped moments before Kitty's drug cocktail kicked in on a drive from S. Carolina to Vegas - big Budget truck: towing car trailer w/ Audi A3 on board:

I listen to Howard everyday - of course I also read Jalopnik everyday..... what does that make me?

gimmie! (that wagon)

his coworkers are gonna give him so much crap for this at the donut shop

does the carpet match the drapes?

this Audiless list is dumb

took a SW flight back home yesterday... a woman used 70% of these lines in her announcement... so: either she stole the line, he stole the lines, or there's some sort of line menu they chose from..... but, this dude wore them better

as a race fan, the soap- opera like antics of Bowman-Gray are NOT good for racing.

Dr Diandra schools her some NGT!

NASCAR fans have their own genius level physicist - Dr Diandra Leslie-Pelecky - she runs her own site, BuildingSpeed.org - she's a frequent guest on Sirius NASCAR radio and explains physics and racing at levels way above my head.... reach to her.

The Peppermill! a MUST visit when you come to Vegas. they have an amazing lounge called the Fireside inside... a place I take anyone who comes to town for drinks.