
I care

SAFER barriers are more than styrofoam - that's just the inner layer. The full "sandwich" of the SAFER barrier is what absorbs the impact

edit, I can't read

Who is the best smelling driver in NASCAR?

I'm gay, and my car is on the list

I get a notch when ever I see a notch

obligatory Harley Golf Cart pic

which one of those booth babes farted?

It's only a model

just give us the option of ventilated seats, my ass sweats in the desert heat. I can shift however.

2007 Passat, flawless for 3.5 years... then bought a 2010 Golf TDI, have had ZERO issues except for a TPMS module... peanuts! Sorry you and the Sis had issues, but my experience with my VW's has been as close to flawless as possible

Tires are the same ones used the past two years.

which button controls the caution lights in Bristol?

check out what Ross posted this morning: funny and making a good point, got the RT from Andretti's account too:

gotta at least give Adam Carolla and honerable mention

we have a full time Indy Car contributor @TheRossBynum on Twitter, passionate about IndyCar and rather funny... give him a follow.

I don't have the answer.... it may be too late... but this new deal with Verizon will tell the tale... (I hope)

It is gonna be a long haul.


thanks for the reason in writing this one.