
Is that the maggot cheese? I choose starvation.

Between this and the rimjob article linked here today, I'm glad I'm too old and celibate for all this nonsense. I'm gonna go get me another cat and see what's on Netflix.

This is my entire reaction to the children Smith...

Is that what the hell that cake is supposed to be? Blergh.

Ugh. Hiddleston... This video made me pregnant.

Will someone please write a costume drama romance in which he may star? Lord Hiddleston needs to be alighting from a phaeton in Beau Brummel breeches ASAP.

"Translation: mothers are stressed because they feel like they're aren't getting the help they need, whereas fathers are stressed because they feel like they aren't getting the blow jobs they need."


Fitting, since his attempts at being important suck pretty hard.

Perez Hilton, may you find a nice job as a mattress salesman in St. Paul and stop popping up randomly in my entertainment news.

The Queen Elizabeth costume is EVERYTHING. Nobody else needs to do costumes, ever again.

Look at Sean Connery.
After he flat out admitted to smacking his wife around without any indication of shame he continued on his merry way still being dubbed one of the sexiest men on earth.
Hell I knew plenty who continued to agree with the sexy assessment long after he proudly proclaimed himself a violent man.

Well Charlie Sheen has been arrested multiple times for domestic violence and has beaten and even shot women, and he doesn't get half the public derision Chris Brown does - so yeah, I think race is an obvious factor. I fucking hate Charlie Sheen and don't understand why people find his grotesque crackhead antics funny

It is offensive, because it perpetuates that old means scary and ugly.

Kegan and Sotomayor really need to up their game with their jabots.

Metaphor explained: crimson pillow=periods

Know what current trend I can't stand? The one that pits women against each other all the freakin' time.

Ugh, yes, I had that this week. Only it was a male colleague, I was sitting on my office chair and he came up from behind, sneaking an arm either side of my waist and essentially trapping me in my chair. He definitely wouldn't have even considered doing so if I weren't pregnant; how on earth does he think doing this

I drank coffee also during my pregnancy ( and ate sushi and had a glass of wine every so often) People would love to touch my fetus gut and ask if I was sure I should be eating/drinking that. I worked in OBGYN and it's amazing how much the general public thinks you shouldn't do when in fact they are full of shit.

Technically unwanted physical contact of any kind is battery. Assault is the apprehension of the imminent unwanted physical contact. But yes, there's already laws against this in every state.