
Geez man, when you start to hear all these stories of what a weird old creep Alan Thicke was back in the 80s, it's just like NO WONDER Kirk Cameron went all super Jesus on everybody. Shit, no wonder.

*blush* You don't even know me! But, yes, I am pretty damn amazing. I've been told I intimidate men but I don't even care because if I intimidate you, then you can't handle me anyway. Plus, if you *think* I'm intimidating, you ain't seen nothing. That's usually what they call my crazy, fun, assertive side. Piss

Wow, from the comments I see there's still a stigma. Meeting online is not that complicated or weird, folks. You find people who match on paper, then meet to see if there's chemistry. That's it. My problem was never with meeting men. My problem was hoping that rando cute dude is single, looking for a relationship, not

Most of the clothes can go but the coat MUST STAY.

Katrina's actress isn't a co-creator on the show. It was co-created by Philip Iscove, Wiseman and the two guys who made Fringe and the Star Trek reboot (Orci & Kutzman).

This is exactly how I feel about it. It is SO CHEESY. But I still want to watch it. It's fun! And why isn't Jezebel all over this? I thought they would go bonkers about all of the lead WOC that show has. I mean, sure, white people in olden times. But modern day kick ass cops! Who can defeat demons and stuff!

I just figure Katrina's spell kept his clothes in a state of perfect preservation as well.

Do I have to suspend my disbelief that Ichabod's 200+ year old clothing and boots wouldn't be falling off of him in rags by now?

Yes, Len Wiseman is one of the producers, married to Kate Beckinsale and the man behind Underworld. He also directed the pilot.

I figured this site would be all over that show. It has a strong female lead (who happens to be African American) who goes toe to toe with a problem that came from the early days of America (slavery and sexism).

*Especially* in his fusty-musty-coated glory — Tom Mison sans beard and shaggy hair is kind of goofy looking, but with beard and messy ponytail is quite possibly the most shaggable man on the planet. I mean that without exaggeration.

Right??? It's amazing, and surprisingly so. But come on. Witches! Headless Horsemen! Apocalypse! Lead actresses of color! Super hot Tom Mison! There is nothing about this not to love.

Not to mention the fact that Oreos, as crappy as they are, have a higher calorie payload than rice cakes. A wild animal who has to forage for it's meal is always going to choose to work for the higher calorie payload over the rice cakes. It has nothing to do with flavor!

Ha ha, keep on trollin' :)

I was thinking the same thing. All this proves is that rats like Oreos better than rice cakes. Who doesn't? Would we make the same comparison if the rats were consistently picking apples over carrots? TONIGHT AT EIGHT: APPLES AS ADDICTIVE AS COCAINE? SCIENCE SAYS YES.

I'm sorry, all this study seem to prove (to me) is that rats like oreos and cocaine more than rice cakes and saline. THANKS, SCIENCE.

I'm sorry she hasn't taken the opportunity to quietly fade from public view to attempt to give her child a quiet, media-free upbringing.

You completely missed her point. Perhaps YOU shouldn't procreate until you learn reading comprehension.

Not sure if you are trolling, but it is pretty clear that you don't know what you are talking about. Do you have any experience with children? If you did, it would be obvious to you that kids are exposed to mass media in a myriad of ways (school, peer groups, etc.) and the issue is more complex than your admonishment