
I was thinking shoes might play a role. This is the shot that amazed me:

I just looked it up and Taylor Swift is 5 inches taller than Madonna. So quite a bit taller, yeah. I didn't realize Madonna is only 5'5"!

Yet finding the clitoris is still a mystery to so many men, even the scientists...

"I think she likes sex already."

"I think she likes sex already."

This man is to literature what Thomas Kinkade is to art. With the repugnant, bigoted, asshole attitude to match.

am i the only person who likes birds?

Agreed. BlackBerry still serves my needs: physical keyboard, email, sms, music player (which, by the way, sounds better than anything else, a fact no tech writer ever mentions).

No rim glasses, no Colt 40, not vegan or crossfitter, no beard, no "lumbersexual", just a person who likes a product that happens to be different.

I'm still a supporter of BB and now that I have one myself, I'm as big of a supporter as ever.

Software suckage is relative.

Exactly. I hated my iphone and wanted to throw it in a lake. I love my BB Q10

I have a BB Q10 and I agree about the app issue being well, a huge issue. I do wish I could watch netflix on my phone. But I switched from an iphone because wow was that a piece of crap even if it had a better camera and more app options. If you are an app person the BB is not for you. I guess I'm lucky that I had a

Your concept of "business" involves 3 social media apps? lolz

You nailed it.

That is a great, well-ballanced review. (NOT)

Slack? What the fuck is slack?

If I'm honest my dad if far far far more productive than me and he is in his 60s. Blackberry isn't aimed at unimportant tech bloggers, it's aimed at people who earn a lot more money and don't use slack. My dad will get out a piece of paper and pen, draw a mind map and think really deeply

Frankly, I'm a BlackBerry Owner and want a Passport.

I'll throw in an early prediction - since nobody I know likes The Grand Budapest Hotel, that will win Best Picture. Over the last decade, that seems like the most likely predictor in the category.

Ugh, Russell Crowe. I don't think that all older women want to play the ingenue. I think that Hollywood has a fucked up precedent where even middle aged male characters are usually played by actors who are an appropriate age, 40s/50s/60s, and they're coupled up with a female character who is purportedly the same age,