
Yep. Because, you know, the maternal death rate for "natural births" wasn't obsecenely high throughout the course of history until modern medicine arrived to help us ladies out. Nature totally loves us and wants us to succeed at all times! Natural selection? A total myth! hahaha!

You are so lucky you are a man! Believe me, tons of women appear to get off on feeling morally superior for enduring a vaginal delivery and then breast feeding until their nipples fall off. Because, you know, that's what real women do. Whatever! I had a c-section and bottle fed. You would not believe the shade thrown

Totally agree with you here. Totally.

BOOM!!!! Good for you!!! I had a c-section and formula fed my kid. Guess what? She is happy and right on track! I know, a f-ing miracle considering all of the "horrible" choices I have made thus far.

Don't you, though? I'm stealing it too.

I'm totally stealing this phrase from you, "a passionate agnostic." It's the only way to to be. I'm so sick of the judgment and shame I have accepted due to other people's ill-informed opinions of my life (For having a c-section and not breast feeding- holy shit! How is my kid even alive right now??). Well said, well

ABSOLUTELY!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!! I had a c-section and frankly, it was a damn fine experience. My baby was healthy, I was healthy, and screw this "women making each other feel like failures" crap. I didn't breast feed either! So, I've committed the ultimate sins, according to way too many women I know. Guess what? My

Wish it was even lower for everyone involved!

Keep that fire burning, my friend!!

Back at you!

I like you, I like you a lot for giving mad props to your wife like that. I can't help myself but to add that I think almost all sociological data is muddy because it is subject to the biases and agendas of the compilers.

Ah, ha! I was wondering how you were separating the aggregate from the individuals and now I get it. You have a strangely optimistic outlook on marriage for somene who goes by the handle of the "Dark Lord of the Snark." :-)

It was a relief to be rid of it for me too. My mom is still hoarding my wedding dress for some unknown reason, which is weird. But the legal docs are all that remain and they stand as a lesson to me. A very vivid lesson. I like your imagery of the account being paid off- because that's the damn truth. I was single for

GAH! A pox on you for posting a half-naked Gerald Ford! I can't unsee...

I agree with you! I adore vintage rings and that's what I picked out the second time. Got a great deal on it too. Plus, I can imagine a romantic history behind it.

Good for you!! For getting out and for being so thoughtful and generous. I didn't do anything half so altruistic with the cash. And yes, it's free money to be sure. But at an emotional cost, as I am sure you would agree. It's a well-honed defense mechanism to joke about divorce on my part, because it really did suck.

This is probably the truth.

I have read some recent reports that the divorce rate in the U.S. is actually going down from that 50% rate, but I thought it was related to the fact that fewer people are actually tying the knot.

But only if your name is also on the deed and you are in a state like mine where we recognize the legal fiction of tenancy by the entireties. Not so sure about a community property state. Still, not a bad idea!

I have actually, out of my first engagement ring. You're absolutely correct that you don't get the retail amount of cash out of it, but I still got a decent chunk of change. I'm not a heartless cynic about love and marriage (done it twice, extremely happy with my second and plan on keeping him around), but I am also a