
Well, shit. You've got about a 50/50 chance of divorce anyway. So, bring on the skating rink diamond! Divorce is always a little easier to handle when you know you've got yourself a nice little nest egg should things follow the nationally-recognized trend regardless.

"Marie Curie may very well rise from her grave to gnash her teeth..." Ok, it's official. You are my favorite writer on this site.

What? You're kidding, right? Because when I am not preggo all I ever eat is yogurt and salad. HA!!!

Come sit next to me, oh you with a flinty heart. I'm completely stealing that turn of phrase, just so you know. Apparently, I showed my baby bump off like a pro during my pregnancy. In front of my class, heading to Bojangles every morning for my egg and cheese biscuit, going to court, you know. Showing it OFF, baby!!

For the record, fame can come fuck me all it wants. Just let me have some of that cash. I'll deal. Promise.

As if I needed even MORE evidence that the female of the species is the strongest. Come on now, boys. Save yourselves (and save the planet in the meantime, which of course isn't as important as your penis)!!!

Seriously, Kelly, thank you! I am going to Scotland later this month (and even shelled out for a real Outlander tour) and I am absolutely seeking some delish outerwear to sport around. When I nerd out, I go all the way. If anyone knows of a good place to buy a tartan poncho, I am all ears!

I love you. Your head is not a fucking cactus. Obviously, you have some brains between those ears and you USE THEM. URGH. Nicholas Sparks makes me stabby. Like, irrationally so. BAHHHHH!!

I JUST saw the preview for this "new" Sparks production and verbally vomited all over my living room to my poor hubs for 20 solid minutes. The fact that his shit is constantly peddled to women and is 100% DRECK enrages me, much like ye olde "Painter of Light" Thomas Kincaid does. Both are scam artists selling absolute

I don't love Kim Kardashian, but this guy needs to be put in prison ASAP. He's never going to stop.

True about the better weather (for the most part) and definitely true about the lower cost of living! There are some very beautiful things about the South, and some lovely people, but the political system here in NC is out of control. I vote, but it doesn't change. I'm also in a profession dominated by white men and

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jamie Fraser's Muscles Variety Hour, indeed. There had better be some hot ass sex in this last show, or, or, oh, hell. I'll be back for more come April. Damn your eyes, Outlander.

Take her "back?" Oh, my friend... For many people in my neck of the woods (the Carolinas) her image was never tarnished by this whole affair. She will never fall from grace around these parts, unfortunately. More's the pity. Why am I living in the South again???!?!?

No way, I wouldn't. I hope I am more culturally sensitive than that! And I actually like men with beards. Maybe my disdain for this look of Leo's comes from the fact that I used to think he was super hot (Romeo & Juliet?) and prefer him clean shaven (Gatsby). He just looks sloppy like this and it's like he's fighting

Holy hell! Learn something new every day.

I agree with you. Especially because so many of the restrictions about looks apply to women. Now, I'm sorry I sounded so judge-y in my first post about him. My snappish morning self has turned into my reflective afternoon self.

I hear what you are saying. But you have to admit that dressing the part also helps get the gravity and seriousness of his message across. You and I likely do not go to work in our slippers (though I would dearly like to considering how far I have to trudge) and wouldn't present something very important to key

Damn, I love you right now.

I'd like to sheath his dagger! Mmmmm...

Yep. Nailed it.