Dammit, man! Stop!!! I just can't take it any more. Get in my bed, now, you ridiculously charming gentleman.
Dammit, man! Stop!!! I just can't take it any more. Get in my bed, now, you ridiculously charming gentleman.
Neigh! Hahaha! Yeah, I'm feeling snarky today.
Yes, and no. I don't know if I believe celebrities can have it both ways. There is a certain amount of time, place and manner for pushing those boundaries for me, at least. Of course, you are entitled to your opinion! I just feel that it hurts his credibility in this particular setting. I mean, I would prefer to wear…
I could not agree with you more!! I have a 17-month-old daughter who sometimes touches herself when I am changing her diaper. When she does it, I tell her, "that's your vagina," honey, and I smile at her and tell her it's OK to touch it because it is hers. Everyone in my family gets skeeved out by this and it really…
Dear Leo,
Ditto. I've been there before too. The first time is usually pretty awkward. Only hasn't been one time, and that guy turned out to be an arse-hole.
So am I, Molly. Stupidly happy describes my feelings about these recaps too. Love my hubs, but no way I can goo-goo-ga-ga over these episodes with him like I can right here. With my people!!
I have been WAITING for this post, Ms. Faircloth!!! My in-laws are currently visiting, which means NO OUTLANDER FOR ME right now!!! DYING!!! At least re-reading this should get me through until Wednesday night when they skeedattle. You, my friend, are doing the Lord's work here. Never doubt it.
I completely agree with this because it happened exactly this way for me. By the time I was in puberty, I was a control freak trying to be as normal and "perfect" as possible. Other survivors that I have known who experienced trauma after puberty absolutely turned to alcohol and drugs. Me, just self-loathing and…
I'm sorry. I have it too and for the same reason. And I thought EMDR worked great for me, hope it has for you. When people make light of this issue it really makes me angry.
I'll admit, I am strangely fascinated by this family in a really uncomfortable way that I cannot explain. I don't watch their shows, and I largely sit in silent judgment about their lifestyle (ok, I think it's freakish and weird), but I do read the odd bits about them online (especially at work, but I think we can all…
Well, hot damn, boobsmgee223! I like the way your mind works. You definitely have some good answers immediately on tap. I'm hot for the Brits, so both Cumberbatch (older, but no kid and ex baggage) and Hidds of the swiveling hips would be perfect in my mind. Evans is single, so he'd be good. Fassbender has that whole…
I completely agree. This feels like settling in all the wrong ways on her part. And a definite raising of his profile! I never would date men with kiddos, not because of the kids themselves, but because of the ex-wife situation. And what a situation this one would be! Now, to play Devil's Adovate a bit, who do you…
Because it's just gross, that's why. It bums me out too. Probably because I hate Coldplay, I wouldn't trust a man who lived with Goopy for so long and acutally pro-created with her, and JLaw just seems too young and vivacious for him. I am riding the vicious train this morning, folks. Apologies.
Sadly, I will never know. Pretty sure the male brain can deal. Don't all men naturally assume everyone on the planet wants to have sex with them? BOOM. I'll be here all night...
Because the government and our judiciary has a hard time separating corporations from private citizens. Read "Hobby Lobby" yet??
Exactly. Nike doesn't support child abusers, but having foreign children working in sweatshops is A-OK. Makes sense. One gets them paid, the other doesn't. Should I be grateful for the small things? Probably. But still. Nike. C'mon.
Hypnotizing INDEED!!! I'm pretty sure he'd be great in bed. I volunteer to find out.
God love you for posting this. I come undone when he unbuttons that sexy jacket. Mmmmmmmmmm.... It's nerd sexy, not gross trying-to-be sexy. LOVE!!!