
Fine by me. I find men in their 20s to be insipid, self-centered bores. Men over 30 in the dating pool (at least in my town) were primarily douchebags and those who were over 40 were either emotionally damaged or trying to recapture their youth in unattractive ways. Reverse generalization, feels good doesn't it boys?

Don't feel bad. You are completely correct. I have no idea where those girls got their incredible jaw lines from. But there it is. I'm in the judgment pool with you.

Stop making so much sense! Ugh!!! I know, you are probably right. There's a better chance of a woman getting elected president before becoming the commissioner of the NFL. Still, it's an exciting thought...

Can someone there at Jez write up a story about the possiblity that Condi Rice could be named as the new NFL commissioner? I've read about this and chatted about it with people in my office, but I am not sure if it's even true. I would love to see a serious take on the issue, if it it is even true. I am 110% behind

"Truly lovely muted knitwear." You're my kind of people.

Yes, but at one point didn't you think Jamie's back was gushing a little too much blood? Like, weirdly seeping out?

If there is no nooky in the next episode, I'll sign that letter right along with you!! Hell, I'll get my pitchfork, bucket of warm, dram-fired pee, and start slapping someone around with wet wool. One minor point of disconcertion from this episode: I think the make-up team should have backed off on the blood gushing

This was an interesting article, but what I really want to know is how long must I wait for your Outlander recap?!?! THIS is my burning question on a Monday.

I still want to fuck my beautiful, shiny, red, KitchenAid mixer. Because it's the BOMB. Kneads dough like a rock star and whips my merangue into a frenzy of frothy goodness. Mmmmm. Oh, and never talks back or gives me shit for making cookies at midnight. Keeper!

Truth's a bitch, ain't it Mr. Tyson.

My previous experience says that precious self-loving douche bags who make mind-numbingly self-conscious music do not make good lovers. But it's so sweet that you are optmistic like that!

This is really adorable. See, us feminists don't hate on the mens. At least, not all the time.

Oh, JLaw, come on! You can do SOOO much better than the Coldplay frontman and ex-Goop hubs. I just can't. Cannot. Nope.

And heeeereee's the death of the credibility of modern art.

Yep, yep and YEP. Well said.

Damn right, I won't dress up anymore! DAMN STRAIGHT. I stay classy by not acting like a fool, staying polite and I am at least clean (but dissheveled). Honestly, if someone has nothing better to do than judge my sartorial splendor (or lack thereof), then I know who has the problem. Not me.

Bwahahahahah! Or how about the recent dog, "The Other Woman?" Bond, ladies. Bond. No man is worth this shit. That is how they WIN!! Come on!

I have a sheath for that dirk....

Dear Kelly. I love you. I love your writing and I LOVE your Outlander re-caps. You had me at, "ruin me like a spaghetti stain on a wedding dress." But seriously, Jamie and Claire, let's get it ON!!!

Please, please vote me into the Senate. I'll be SURE to help Ron John what sexism is allllll about. Starting with pencil dick jokes. Then moving on to a good dose of body shaming, "hey Ron John, looks like you could do a few more crunches in the morning, eh? Getting soft, my man." I might even throw a little touching