
Records of ongoing criminal investigations are typically not public records. L&O is one of the better shows out there regarding real criminal law and procedure. Suits, on the other hand, is a real attorney's nightmare and an abomination!

As a law professor, I completely agree with you! I wish we knew where she went to law school. Talk about poor life choices.

Sorry, Aniston. You're still not cool or interesting to me. No matter how much breastmilk you chug. I do hate what the tabloids do to you as a woman (and would happily punch some of the perpetrators for you in the name of "sisterhood"), but beyond that... meh.

Frankly, I doubt she even knows the first thing about feminism. Sorry, I don't like her and she has never struck me as particularly talented or smart. Another reason why we need to stop looking to the celebrity culture to "guide us" through this mortal coil.

I couldn't agree with you more. That poor child will never live a normal life now, thanks to some stupid parenting decision and our nation's obsession with guns. How much longer does this have to go on? Kids do not need to handle guns, PERIOD. In fact, most adults don't need to either.

I'm waiting for the chorus of, "guns don't kill people, people kill people," to start any minute now.... This story sucks all around. That poor child will be scarred for life, the parents are f-ing morons, and someone is dead. Yeah, guns!!!

I totally get what you are saying, and I don't think you are being a Negative Nancy. Lena Dunham always appears to really try to look bad (and I am not dissing on her figure or anything like that, I just mean sartorially). Which is sad because I would still like her and respect her talent, even if she decided to

I think Lena is a beautiful women who consistenly apears to "fight the hot." I'm not sure why. This dress is just OK. I agree with one of the other commenters here who suggest Len "aggressively" selects unflattering clothing to be provocative. I suppose its working. I don't think she needs to be relegated to black or

Oh, sweet Kit. You aren't ringing my bell with that hair pulled back. I mean, I guess I could still take one for the team, but... bring back those flowing locks and I can ignore your inability to properly emote!

Oh, I don't know if I can get worked up about that. I'm a woman and I don't want my daughter acting like Miley. I don't think he meant it paternalistically. It's too sensible of a statement. It's not like he said she shouldn't be singing or have a career.

I completely agree with you that some of them became incedibly philanthropic in their later years, especially Carnegie. You are also correct that the lack of government regulation allowed them to become the behemouths that they were. Because you are clearly versed in history, you'll know that early in our country's

The law is against it because of the robber-barons like Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Morgan and Carnegie. Seriously. We still have laws now that prohibit wealth preservation and legacy leaving all across the U.S.

Well, it's good to know that we're fully in regression mode here in the good ol' USA. During the Victorian times women WERE the household morality meters. Men could be as wild, daring and "sinful" as they chose, and it was up to their women to make things right. Absolutely ridiculous. I blame these "I am not a

Um, let's have the football team owners donate a portion of their CONSIDERABLE Superbowl earnings to the league. Especially for services needed by injured and aging athletes! Give me a break, NFL. You suck for this reason and for so many more.

You couldn't be more correct! Hella ugly, indeed. No one needs that much snakeskin print in their lives. And frankly, the clothes don't look that great on the models. I shudder to think what they would do on my size-12 self, if I could even find a piece that fit in the first place. So, two reasons to boycott: ugly AND

True, but it's difficult to prove misrepresentation. It becomes a he-said, she-said, and then good luck finding the contractor who did the work to testify. Sorry about your parents. Black mold is a huge issue and it's galling to me that our laws protect the insurance companies rather than the people living (and

Good luck with that, Kourtney. Most states have adopted mold-caps on recovery. I know, random, right? But it's because insurance companies were made to pay millions in Texas due to a rash of black mold infestations. Maybe they can't afford the house anymore??

Well, I can't argue in favor of the depth of the lyrics, but I do think it took some balls to surround herself with real people of talent while she played the dork. I like the overall message this conveyed and I still find her the least objectionable of those of her ilk today.

Yep. I shelled out for it too. Grudgingly, but I am in for a penny, in for a pound. Lovely article!!!

$75 grand? Give me a break!! They'll probably settle with her for a couple thousand and call it a day. On the other hand, I will now wildly try on shoes I can't afford in the hopes of getting stabbed with a nail - pay day!