
You are actually correct. You can clearly tell the rest of the hangars behind the black child are white children. What do you want to bet some store prankster did this for a laugh? Damn, folks. Let's stop letting ourselves get all whipped up over fake bullshit, already.

As a divorce attorney, I can't help but wonder the legal ramifications of these ensuing "conscious uncouplings." (Rubbing hands in evil, lawyerly, glee.)

Kim Kardashian may know what it means to work and also have a child, but what rankles me is that she has no idea what it means to worry about what happens with her child while she is at work because she can afford high-quality nannies.

Fugly. Sorry. And no, I probably don't really understand fashion since my current financial status only allows me to shop at regionally-based department stores. But seriously? The fashion world can't do better than this??

You are a brilliant genius.

Sounds like all of his riches and fame have done the inevitable- made him sound/act like a stupid twat. Happens to so many. And look who he at one time "consciously coupled" with for years. Bound to happen. Sad, sorry and pathetic. Eat meat, or don't eat meat. But stop sounding like moron.

Ugh. I hate the ubiquitous "natural selection" arguments. Humans absconding with babies is not natural selection. Cars running over wildlife isn't natural selection. We have invaded the territory of these creatures and we could at least be somewhat respectful of that fact.

The person who tied the calf up with an electrical cord doesn't seem that well meaning, but....

The sad thing is that I have chatted with make CEOs about these issues, and frankly they do not see this as an issue. You'd like to think some were enlightened enough, but remember, these CEOs are primarily in their late 50s and 60s. Not young enough for the feminist movement to have really affected their lives (and

Really interesting point!

Amen to this. Every woman who interviews for a job is painfully aware of her gender and the elaborate dance interviewers do to assess your childbearing tendencies, whether or not you are married, etc. They don't ask men that shit at all!! Because the "little woman" at home will take care of the kiddos, naturally. This

That's a serious surgery, my friend! I'm sure when you tell people they are shocked by how open you are about it. But good for you! No shame in it at all. Women are more than the sum of their uterous and fallopian tubes. True story.

I can't wait for the day when women don't even need to address this stupid question. I know, I'll be waiting forever and a day. Whether or not you have a child, and your reasons for chosing that path are no one's business. Kudos to her for handling it like a pro.

To each her (or his) own, I suppose. But in my book he's hot as hell. Mind you, not commenting on his acting ability, which is a little limited. BUT, easy on this girl's eyes. The shoes, not so much. UGH.

I LOVE all of these! Frankly, the strapless thing sweeping the nation right now is nothing more than a lazy and cheap trick by designers. Sure, some women look lovely as can be in that style. But come on! We need variety! And that's what all of these styles symbolize to me. Well, that and the whole, women as property

Lordy, those shoes are FUGLY. Must be the reason for the scowl on that beautiful face.

I don't feel sorry for these folks either, only their poor children. Don't hire a nanny unless you are willing to pay a decent wage and go through a reputable service. I can't afford a nanny, so we do daycare. But you can damn well bet we did a TON of due dilligence and we pay a lot of money to ensure the proper state

The idea that this man could become famous is sickening to me. He is a FELON people! He has made terrible life choices and has hurt innocent people. And we want to lionize him just because he is easy on the eyes? Seriously!!! Haven't we learned any lessons from the NFL or the NBA? A thug with money is even more

I never understood the unpasteurized milk thing either. Does anyone read up on the history of food anymore? Long before we were worried about pesticides, the human race had to contend with these microbes and most often lost the battle. Pasteurization was a huge step forward for food consumption and something I

I have never seen his appeal anyway. Never liked him, found the few shows I watched with him insipid and annoying, and I won't miss him. Bye-bye big pay check!! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, indeed.