
Except for Ruth. She can stay until the very end!

Hahahaha! Touche. Yes, you are correct. I'm kind of mad at myself now for maligning my lady parts.

George Clooney, a senator? Please! We already have enough rich as hell, out of touch boobies in there the way it is.

Oh, and there are defenses you can raise against any of these actions. So, it's not as weighted in the favor of the police as you might think. But here, with a doctor that specifically examined the baby, it was pretty solid evidence to go on.

In order to violate your 4th amendment rights that protect against searches and seizures, the police must have probable cause to obtain a warrant. Probable cause is more than a reasonable suspicion, it must be based upon specific and articulable facts.

Although I typically despise the "it's the hormones" reasoning, for a woman with a newborn baby it actually rings true. After you give birth, your body goes through this crazy cascade of hormones as it is trying to get back to normal. I had terrible post-partum anxiety and sweats because of the hormones that lasted

Oh, please. Have you been reading Dan Brown's "Inferno" or something? Yadda, yadda, mass extinction of the human race, blah.

So, when you start collecting Social Security, why should I or my children have to pay for you to sit in an old folks home and drool on yourself? No kids = no future U.S. citizens to pay taxes. Brains. Use them.

Abused more than our federal welfare services? Highly doubt that, my friend. Because, you know, being pregnant is such a walk in the park. And then having a shit-ton of kids is the easiest thing in the world to deal with on a daily basis. So, sure, abuse would be RAMPANT! Give me a break. Would it happen, yes. Human

I hear you and I understand completely. I did the same. Worked right up until labor. So, whining? What the hell ever. We're strong women supporting our families and our communities. I actually think Obama is wrong on this one to an extent. He should have just started with asking for longer maternity leave with some

Bahahahaha!!! My only response to you is to laugh. It's not about not having the financial resources to care for the child, my friend. Employers routinely pay for employees on diability, they pay federal and social security taxes to pay for citizens who aren't in the workforce anymore too. Hell, I don't even care if I

Of course having a child is a life choice. But what's the alternative? The end of the human race? The women commenting on this article obviously seem to be taking their work and mothering responsibilities seriously. Those of us with kids still pay for services that you need and use on a daily basis too.

Yep. You are correct. FMLA doesn't really do shit, especially if you are in an at-will state in regard to employment. They'll hold your position, but then when you return hold your promotion and side-eye the shit out of you. So, fuck FMLA.

I had to go back after 6 weeks. Handing over my infant to a stranger so I could go back to work to afford her diapers and formula was torture. Shit, I don't even care if it's paid. Let's just make it longer and allow women to stay home without fear of losing their jobs. German has it right and look, their economy

Yep. Me too. Taking only six weeks off was brutal. And even then, because I hadn't been at my place of employment for a full year before having my kiddo, I wasn't covered by FMLA so I could have been fired at any time. I agree with you that I don't care if the leave it paid or not, just that it is honored for a much

GAH! The Notebook, just like all of Nicholas Sparks' novels, is nothing but dreck. These photos are cute enough, but can we all please stop pretending the Sparks is a literary genius?? Please???

I despise this tool bag.

Wow. Thanks for posting! I'm not a motorcyclist, but I appreciate your viewpoint and eloquence.

Excellently, put. I'm sure all of these people screaming for blood would have just hit the gas upon seeing these ducklings struggle across what appears to be a major highway. Fuck it, right? Natural selection and all of that? It's a damn shame these people died. But it's also a shame how horrible a lot of these people

Stop making so much sense and asking good questions! We want to raise our pitchforks in there air here and shout horrible things about people we don't know!