I agree with you 100%. We loooove to warehouse human beings, deprive them of social or economic skills, brand them with a criminal record and wonder why the cycle continues.
I agree with you 100%. We loooove to warehouse human beings, deprive them of social or economic skills, brand them with a criminal record and wonder why the cycle continues.
Well said.
Amen. The lack of simple reasoning ability here makes me despair.
Judge-y much? I'm sure you are a pefect driver at all times.
It is just what you said: a bizarre tragedy. And I don't think there is a damn thing wrong with you asking about the motorcyclist's responsibility here. He also had a responsibility to drive safely, especially considering he was riding with his minor child. The story leaves out the issue of whether or not he was…
I agree with you on this one. She has MANY faults, but this isn't one of them. I'm sorry you have experienced sexual assault. But I'm proud that you have obviously done well and moved beyond it to success!
Actually, you can take the California bar exam without going to law school. True story. Only state in the country where you can, that I know of. But, let's just say that hiccup is saving you a ton of debt and a lifetime of misery!!
Her tactics as told by whom? Let's talk about the tactics the other side employed as well. It's not called an "adversarial system" for nothing.
This is exactly how our system is supposed to work. I have represented a convicted sex offender. Did I like it? No. Did I do my job to the best of my ability? Yes, I did.
All I can tell from what I have read is that an attorney did her job. You know what? Every one of us who represents clients in this system of ours comes to the day when you have a client you really don't like and don't approve of his/her actions. But you know what good attorneys do believe in? That everyone deserves…
I think that smug reporter's FIRST mistake was to assume that the article quoted Blunt correctly in the first place. Bitch please, journalism ain't what it used to be. If you're trying to re-enact some Matlock ah-ha moment, try using some more compelling "proof" than an outdated article from The Telegraph. Wall Street…
I agree. These poor kids are damned if they keep the kid, damned if they get an abortion. The fact that they are graduating and want to include their kids in this is actually pretty laudable and special. They do not need to be ashamed.
Hear, hear! Shame on these parents for not using this as a learning/teaching opportunity for their own children instead of spreading yet more hate and ostracism. Good job, jerks.
Yes, I do. And I think it's a good example for their children too. Mom and Dad overcame this huge challenge because education was that important to them. Oh, and yeah, their kids are also important to them. What is wrong with people???
The last time I checked, it is the parents' responsibilities for educating their children about life choices, not the school's and not the yearbook's. The idea that you would exclude teen parents from their high school yearbook is offensive to me and just another example of how our country consistently gets things…
I think Michelle Duggar needs to see a shrink and not a fertility specialist. She has an unhealthy, addiction seems to strong of a word, but something akin to that about being pregnant. How is it really fair to the rest of your brood that all you want to do is have more, and more, and more? I want to support every…
Thank you. You are absolutely correct. Many of the high-born of that era played at the pastoral life. It didn't mean they were bad or mocking the poor, per se. I've never bought into the whole Marie Antoinette as evil villain, though. A poorly educated pawn, yes. But evil? Not so much.
But what did the psychiatrist say?
I agree with you completely. Sometimes bullshit, sometimes not. Especially, in the case of gluten, when people supposedly lose weight by cutting out carbs. Yep. Sometimes bullshit.