
It is either missing with their bodies, or their heads. Let's get real. Those "sick" feelings in the gut are also known to be generated by things like anxiety and depression too. Things many would rather not think about if they can blame a food source instead. (Yes, I agree that there are some legit food-related

Dear Hooterific, thank you for a very well-reasoned response to this article. You expressed my feelings on this matter completely. I think the gluten thing is all very handy bandwagon-ism at the moment, personally. For one, I don't think people are very honest about what they eat in the first place for many reasons.

Could be, or could just be a reflection of that ex-partner's own pathology. But I do agree with you that where there is smoke, there is oftentimes fire. It probably brands me a cynic that I automatically assume men who have "made it" in Hollywood are all calculating assholes. Can't get that far in a place like that

Now if only we could get clients to fully understand what our degrees are actually worth, huh?

And never judge a person based on the comments made by an ex. Please.

I agree 100% with you here and I appreciate you replying. When people cite their "knowledge" of the law it makes me laugh and then it makes me cry. Thank you too for citing the New York Times standard for malice regarding a public figure. You must be an attorney too? No way any competent attorney would prosecute this

You are brilliant.

Where's my fainting couch?

You sexy bastard, you!

God bless you for posting this. No one does period costume better than TH. No one. I die...

Wonder how she feels about calling it the "Prismatic" tour now since she and douchebag John Mayer broke up. I (shamfacedly) poured over the CD notes and gagged when I read he called her a "prism" and how meaningful that was. Ugh! At least all of my relationship gaffes were conducted outside of the public eye. No one

Has the Constitution always been "color blind?" I think not, my friend. Until the introduction of the 13th Amendment, our Constitution allowed people to own slaves.

Well, dammit. Without the microwave my cooking skills plummet from sub-par to nil.

Awesome. Definitely a win for feminism.

What I read: bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. It doesn't matter what you wear. As another commentator stated, it really does hinge on someone being conventionally attractive- especially for women.

Can someone please explain to me why this man is still even relevant?!? ACK!!!!! Every word that comes out of his mouth make me feel stabby. Prick.

The REAL shitty thing about this case is that even if they LOSE, those companies will likely decide not to offer health care as a benefit to their employees. There is plenty of corporate trickery they can employ to deprive people of these benefits. With the economy still being what it is, many women will still be

Let me preface this by saying, I don't agree with the argument for restitution. But, unfortunately, it is a common contracts remedy at law. They are legally entitled to claim it. I am pretty sure that they had a contract drawn up for the performance, even if MIA wasn't getting paid. They could calculate the value of