
And yet, the NFL will continue to throw money at the likes of Michael Vick and the other criminals who actually suit up for the games. Give me a break!! Screw you, NFL. Also, have they fined anyone other than female performers in the last decade? I'd like to know. Because I'm going to bet the answer is no. The NFL is


Sorry, but it wasn't much different in the 1990s either. The male-dominated newsroom really toughened me up pretty quickly. I remember two horrible incidents that have stayed with me forever.

"A mother MAY breastfeed her child in any location, public or private, where the mother is otherwise authorized to be present."

No. It doesn't. Bailiffs can kick anyone out of the courtroom that they want to in the name of public order and keeping the peace. I see it every day. People get kicked out for wearing t-shirts, chewing gum, having kids with them, etc. It is absolutely not discrimination unless you are kicked out on the basis of your

I've had judges chastise me for not wearing a skirt and pantyhose to court- and I am an attorney! So, this doesn't surprise me at all. But before everyone gets up in arms about this woman getting kicked out for public breastfeeding, let me tell you people get kicked out of courtrooms for chewing gum, wearing

I agree with you completely. I think it is expertly done and really made me think.

It makes me so happy that there are others like me in this world. Pedantic as hell and a happy slave to good grammar. Thank you!!!

The Target stores in my area don't even have that much of a selection for preggos either. I tried to shop there while I was pregnant and couldn't find anything that looked even half-way decent. When I got pregnant, I got pregnant EVERYWHERE. Thighs, butt, arms, everywhere! I'm not impressed with Target's clothing

Did she really spell judgment wrong? Because if so, I'm judging her!! Screw the booze pic. Let's focus on the real issue: grammar. Ha!!

YES! I think her expression is happy, but the hair looks like a wig.

Well, it doesn't particularly ooze empathy. And no, I'm not being overly sensitive. But you are entitled to your comments as I am mine.

Thank you for posting! We go tomorrow for the initial appointment. How long did your daughter have to wear hers, if you don't mind me asking? And I'm sorry about the foot/ankle/hip issue and I hope it resolves quickly and as painlessly as possible! Good luck!

My kid's high chair has enough straps to hold a fighter pilot steady while breaking the sound barrier. No way she's getting out of these. Of course, it's hard as shit to get her strapped in too. It's also fun cleaning said bondage device after feeding sweet potatoes or squash.

Both real and imagined. Most imagined, actually. UGH. WHY did I do this to myself???? Oh, yeah. They're damn cute and loving. Most of the time.

Please don't start the parent-blame game unless you really know the issues. My child has plagiocephaly (the misshapen head) and is going to be fitted for her helmet next week and I can assure you it's not because of anything I did or didn't do. In the womb, she was kind of squished to the left side because I'm short

Good points. I don't think she is a "moral arbiter of taste," but she has a certain popularity and following that makes me scratch my head as to why she would choose to work with the likes of this sexual predator.

Strut on over here, Loki....

Yes, indeed he is.

Mmmmmmmmmmm.... DELISH. Thank you!