Exactly as it should be. Never enough TH. NEVER!!! Get in my bed, already!!
Exactly as it should be. Never enough TH. NEVER!!! Get in my bed, already!!
Oh, Mr. Bloom. Shut your beautiful mouth. You sound like an idiot. Let's just look at you instead.
Or maybe, just maybe, we would rock the hell out of it! :-)
While I completely agree with your citations here (and thank you, very interesting), I still have to say that their deaths so close together raises some red flags. You have to wonder why more intensive testing wasn't conducting at the very beginning. I agree with many of the commentators here who have said, "follow…
I actually still like it. She can pull it off. I'd look utterly ridiculous wearing that ensemble, but I have to say it works for her.
Audrey Gelman dated Terry Richardson for THREE YEARS???? WTH??? Why does any woman date that man? How can he even be said to have a girlfriend? You couldn't have worded my holiday sentiments for Mr. Richardson any better. And I have to also add that it makes me sad that Lady Gaga is working with him. Why do people…
Also, I am really tired of being in the greys as I have been a long-time commentor on Jezebel who once proudly held a gold star. Who do I have to go down on to make this happen??
Also, I really wish I could get out of the greys as I have been a long-time commentor on Jezebel. Who do I have to go down on to make this happen?
I watched it too (sort-of shamfaced, but hey, she makes a lot more money than me and I embarrass myself on a daily basis for the free enjoyment of those around me). Katy Perry can actually sing, so I don't know why she would even go with a vocal track. It's sad that we demand so much "perfection" from our artists that…
At what point is it OK for us to embrace the melting pot that we are? Imitation, homage, appropriation, where is the line drawn? And why do we have to be offended about everything? Maybe being who you are is a mixture of different cultural identities and hallmarks. If someone isn't being deliberately, overtly…
Tom's reference?
I agree with you completely. For those who need it, get it. Use it. I pass no judgment. But I recently graduated from law school with a pack of dirt bags who bought it off a guy selling it for $5 a pill and used it religiously for their law school finals and then the bar exam. It rankles me in the same way you…
I'll starve with you. BLECH.
Excellent points, both.
I'd really love to see Sea World shut down. But here is my worry: What would happen to the killer whales that have lived in captivity for so long?? AGH! There are no easy answers. Except to say STOP PUTTING BEAUTIFUL WILD THINGS IN CAPTIVITY for profit!!!!!!!!
Nope. Not into it one bit. Ok, I'm into the owl bit. That's all. Which surprises me because I am generally a Katy Perry fan (in spite of John Mayer). The burning bed is too reminiscent of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance," and Katy is throwing a lot of vacant face around. Meh. The clothes are stunning, but everything else is…
Visually stunning. But this pair has zero chemistry.
Gag. Also, the triangle-shaped cake resembling "blood...the circle of life" is just too much. I'm sure they would say that's my jealousy talking. But no, it's just my bullshit meter clanging off the charts.
Please push me over with your bare hands. Please.