
No one is perfect. That's the lesson. So you screw up and yell at your kid who is acting like an asshole. Apologize. We're all going to mess up sometimes. I think these studies are basically crap anyway. They in no way account for the variety of human attributes and behaviors we all express as individuals. What works

HELLS YES!!!! Masterpiece Theater, get on this STAT!

Ach, who cares what she eats or doesn't eat. Why is Blake Lively relevant these days anyway? She's an awful lot like Kate Bosworth, in my opinion. Pretty to look at, but not much substance.

Sure, she can have her choice. But I choose to think she's a crazy nutter who will likely end up feeding her baby pre-chewed food "just like the birds do." Yes, we are technically animals. But we have also evolved to appreciate things that technology can offer us- like reduced maternal death from births.

The worst incident of unwanted groping of my preggo belly happened in the breakroom at my school. I was getting a cup of coffee (don't judge) when a female co-worker slipped up behind me, snaked her arm around my right side and gently caressed my belly from behind. WTFH??? I know pregnancy is miraculous and really

Obviously, I do not agree with the sexist bent of this memo. However, as a law professor, I have to say that I am actually pretty appalled by what female and male students are wearing to class these days and what they wear to court during their internships!

Girl, luck had nothing to do with it. Do you know how many men I had to "date" to find the hubs? LOTS. I'm a little flip about the process in my first post, but the fact is this: you have to know how wonderful and fabulous YOU are!! It is an honor for any of these dudes to get a date with you. If I went into each date

I'm completely sucked in for ALL of these reasons. Is it cheesy at times? Sure. Do I have to suspend my disbelief that Ichabod's 200+ year old clothing and boots wouldn't be falling off of him in rags by now? Yes. (Oh, please fall off of him, please!!!) I'm completely amazed and delighted that the leads in this are

Really?? What's your source on this? I'm not being a jerk, I really want to know. For some reason I always pictured a Saudi oil baron buying these things. That said, I also hate what they represent. I buy $5 bras at Wal-Mart.

I kept my last name. You know when the real trouble began? When I popped out a kid. Alllllll of a sudden shit got real. Hubs was fine with me keeping my name, but when it came to our kids... WHOA. So, I struck a bargain. I pick the first and middle name and you can give her your last name. Because he is fairly

Have you tried the "MEGA Stuffed" Oreos? The inventors of those are the REAL geniuses here, not these stupid scientists.

I agree with you!! And why does it always have a gross yellow and white film on it??


I know what you mean. I have to work full time too and depend on daycare. When Peach has had a bad nap day there, all bets are off at home. She was a grouch last night for that same reason and fell asleep super early, which meant she missed her solid foods for dinner. I just have to remind myself that I have to build

I don't like that they do it to men either. Both are equally egregious and destructive.

I had the same exact inner dialogue. It's totally messed up. And now that I have a daughter, I am even more sensitive to it. I would do anything for her to not have that same dialogue with herself- the first part, not the second kick-ass self-affirming thoughts you had. I applaud you for stopping that cycle!!! I need

I'm sure you are just a troll, but go fuck yourself all the same.

Thanks. Glad you understood what I meant.

Really???? What's your source on that? Is it valid? Because if that's the truth, I'm going to have to not like her and I really don't want to do that. Roman Polanski??? Ugh.

Because it is still an important social commentary on the way stars are portrayed. These are the women that our children look up to and it's a false image that perpetuates our unobtainable culture of perfection. Until we start demanding the authentic thing, we're going to be continually fed crap. Why can't Britney