My first thought was Japan too. I know they have restaurants that serve food in little toilets. Not my bag.
My first thought was Japan too. I know they have restaurants that serve food in little toilets. Not my bag.
This is in the U.S.? Why did I immediately think Japan? And no, I'm not being a racist. It's just that most toilet-themed concepts seem to originate in Japan. I don't think I could ever eat here. Ever.
Please know that I am definitely not saying this method works for every child. My best friend's baby doesn't take to it at all. I am very cognizant of the fact that I am going to have triumphs and failures throughout this mothering process. I'm going to work very hard to establish routines and discipline with Peachy,…
Or why Fantasy Football? Hmmmm?
Yep. This. My 5 month old has been sleeping through the night for two months now. We have a very standard nightly routine that starts at 7:30. We take her upstairs, read a book and listen to music while we feed her. I plop her in bed while she's still awake and out we go. Yeah, it was hard letting her cry those first…
You may very well be right. Or maybe I haven't consumed enough coffee this morning to be contrary. Another post in this thread discusses the concept-driven nature of some modern art. Interesting points from you both. I still can't help myself and my intese dislike for modern artists like Jackson Pollock, though.
I appreciate your well-reasoned response. I haven't thought about it from the concept-driven aspect of modern art. It's something I'll mull over, seriously. I do appreciate some modern art and artists (Jessica Harrison, for example). But most of it I do frankly dismiss. Maybe because I am a jaded lawyer? No, couldnt'…
Alas, " I could do that in 5 minutes" is my reaction. Analyzing that further, I would say that it means that I don't hold truck with a lot of what modern art proponents want us to believe- that slashes, dots and colored blocks are really meaningful statements on the dystopian nature of our capitalist society. Give me…
I have taken a class on modern art. I've also taken classes in economics and psychology. I hold a doctorate degree and I'm not a rube. It's not always "more complicated" than simple commercial gain by exploitation of the masses. And I also disagree with your statement about the most interesting artists being the ones…
The Taliban represents extremist patriarchy at its most heinous. I wish someone would give them, collectively, the ass-kicking they richly deserve.
I want to be at that point in our society where a menstruating vagina isn't shocking. The fact that a shirt like this can generate any amount of buzz dismays me. So, yeah, I agree with you here. And honestly, I'm ready to stop calling a lot of this shit "art." If you want a shitty line drawing of my vagina splashed…
All of his pictures are exactly alike. I take better shots with my cheap-ass Cannon point and shoot. Fuck him. He's gross. I wish I could come up with a new fad that all of the celebs would buy into so I could get filthy rich.
Agreed. 100%. I tell my daughter that Mommy needs her "morning juice." I'm a much better parent after my first giant mug of coffee. And you're also correct that morning sex could lead to more parenting and ain't nobody got time for that if you've already had a few of the rugrats.
Bahahahaha!!! In that case, I totally understand. I did the same thing with the first two Twilight books and then castigated myself for getting involved with that dreck. Ugh. Same with 50 Shades. So, you're right that entertainment can only get you so far. After a while it gets old and you just feel like you've…
I actually thought the book was pretty good. Not in terms of it being "high literature" or anything, but it had some damn good entertainment value. Movie sucked donkey balls for casting and the bastardization of the book itself.
Finally!!! Someone who agrees with me about Hanks! I've never liked him, but can't really point to an exact reason why. I'm adopting your "offensively inoffensive" description. And hell yes, he botched the role of Robert Langdon. Horrible casting and it ruined everything. He's just MEH. But super famous. How? Why? UGH.
I just hope she loses the drugged up-eyeballs look when she makes this comeback. Otherwise, I really do like her. Lip-synching and all.
Can you imagine what a bitch it would be to dust, though?
Zero talent. Snooze-ville. This is why newspapers (and journalism in general) is going to hell in a handbasket.
Right before my ex-husband was scheduled to move all of his belongings out of our previously shared home, I went into his closet and clipped one or two buttons off of each of his dress shirts. It felt good. Wasn't very nice of me, but it felt gooooooood.