
Alas, the "feminine genius" is never something the Catholic church has sought when making "important decisions" and I dare say that's not going to start now. If the church hasn't already discovered a way for women to be essential before now (other than for producing male baby popes), I'm afraid it's not going to

There are no greater malcontents than law students. Except, perhaps, for the lawyers they go on to become.

Such a timely post. This morning, fresh out of the shower, I used my special little metal took (thanks, Sephora) to clean out a blackhead on my chest that first appeared there in HIGH SCHOOL and continues to return no matter how many times I squeeze that icky bitch out. In fact, I'll never forget the first time I saw

LOVE!! hahahahaha!

Very well put! I guess since I am living in one of those regional areas (NC), I feel that the government stake in tobacco is pretty large. But taking the whole picture into consideration, I have to concur with you.

Pretentious, much? Not every artist is a cultural sage worth objectifying.

I'd posit that the government does have a personal stake in the tobacco industry. Not only is it related to farming, but it is also related to significant tax revenue.

Actually, I am not advocating commercials of any kind. I don't think we should spend government (i.e. taxpayer) money on this at all. We have already taken governmental measures to ensure that people understand the dangers associated with smoking. We label the packaging, we restrict access to minors, we have

I'm loving this thread! Finally!!! HONESTY. I didn't feel that love-at-first-sight with my little Peach either. Buble is right. They are like little strangers at first. Sure, you have a biological connection, but anyone with family knows that connection can be tenuous at best. For all of the soon-to-be mothers on this

I have a real problem with these advertisements. I do believe the people who appear in them are extremely brave and should be commended. I'm not personally against these folks sharing their stories.

I believe after a certain amount of time-with no repeat offenses- that a person should be allowed to get off the sex offender registry list. Just like we have expungments to get rid of old criminal charges, which while valid, we as a society are willing to let go so that people can live the rest of their lives without

You are correct. Typically, donors sign agreements that terminate their Constitutionally-protected fundamental right to raise their genetic offspring. However, the law in that area is still very much in flux and it will depend on what state that agreement was signed in as to whether it would stand. The story of

I agree with this thread completely. I have a 4-month old daughter that I am trying desperately to dress in a more gender neutral fashion. I just have a huge problem with the too-early sexualization of both boys and girls. Someone further down on the thread nails it completely- ducks. Lots and lots of yellow ducks. I

YES!! I have always use the raw chicken analogy and no one else ever seems to get it. Yes, yes, yes! I had to get scented shampoo. My hairy wieners (wire-haired dachshunds) are still sweeter when dry, though. And have you noticed their paws smell like tortilla chips? Perhaps it's just me....

Definitely giving you props here for mentioning "seppuku," which I had to look up after seeing it for the first time while playing Cards Against Humanity.

I've actually met and interviewed Oscar de La Renta. I can tell you that he is definitely NOT that charming in person. Sure, he's a legend, I can't argue with that. But the fact that he couldn't show decency to a person who was trying to give him positive publicity for his overpriced clothing just soured me on him and

I have to wait another FIVE months for things to improve?? The Peach is only 4 months old right now and I am definitely her laundry bitch. ACK.

Guess I'll start calling myself a women's rights attorney. I mean, I do handle divorces and try to get women as much as possible when their men screw them over...

I'm with you on everything except that I wash my hair daily because it's fine and very, very straight. If I had thicker hair, or hell even just wavy hair, I wouldn't. Also, I just had a baby so I have a fair amount of spit up in my hair from time to time (disgusting, I know). The witch hairs on my chin are the most

All three. I'd hit all three. Yep.