
This really reaffirms my faith in humanity, which is all too often lacking. The way we treat small, defenseless (against us) animals is a reflection on society as a whole. So, let's hear it for NYC!!!!!!

Agreed. And I'm totally into them dating. Jamie Foxx is HOT!!

Love her. Love him. LOVE!!!!!

Yep. Totally bullshit list. They didn't even consider the issue of daycare or of businesses with horrible maternity/paternity policies. Guess it was a slow news day because that list is dreck. I wish my only concerns were commute time and lack of playgrounds!!

Here are my "5 Biggest Beauty Turnoffs from a REAL Woman:"

I don't know about all that. While he does have a right to complain, I guess, he really shouldn't shit on the fans that made him the star that he is. Sure, Twilight was a horrible franchise. Start with dreck writing, get dreck movies. But without that fame vehicle, he would still be another pretty face in Hollywood

I think you are spot on. Men don't have to apologize for success. It's expected and lauded. I feel like at this point her uttering these banalities are dimishing her power. It wasn't an accident of fate that she ended up where she is. She worked hard, made sacrifices and capitalized on her smarts. Good for her! I

I agree that it's a fair desire for her to be just the Yahoo CEO. In fact, shame on our culture that we still make such sexist distinctions! But don't you think at SOME point she should address it? Even as I typed that question I ask myself, why do I think she owes me that? Is that even right? Shouldn't I just let her

This whole "gender blind", "aw shucks I had no real plan for success" attitude from Mayer is killing me! You're wicked smart, lady. There is no way I am buying this, passive success argument she's putting forth with such gusto. Because let me tell you something, I have worked hard my entire career and it surely hasn't

I really hope this was a quote taken out of context, because if not- stuff it Alba. You are also the move star who espoused the wearing of a really tight corset for weeks after giving birth. Like that's healthy! My c-section scar would have completely objected for one, and for two- you just had a f-ing baby!!

It's actually just a magistrate, and in many states they don't even have to be attorneys. This is definitely a violation of the separation of church and state, so I'll be surprised if the ruling stands.

Interestingly, this is actually a magistrate that made this decision and not a judge. In most states, a magistrate does not actually have to be a lawyer! I'm an attorney here in NC and that's the case for us. This is a clear violation of the separation of church and state, so I am fairly confident that this

Yes, that's exactly what I want. Obviously. You should have stuck with the Shakespeare slam. That was at least intelligent and kind of cool.


The vitriol was at the level we should all reserve for shithead politicians.

Why are you pleased to see women viciously attacking other women in ways that should be reserved for politicians only? For real? I'm happy I learned a lot from the thoughtful posts here, but fuck the rest of this negative static.

I did pick a terrible metaphor, and I regret it. I understand things a little more now. But some of those initial responses really hurt.

And I certainly could have worded my post a little better too and left out the mandals comparison. I actually have learned a few things from the people kind enough to post thoughtful responses (like you). But boy, was I hurt and mad at first.

I guess I am at the point where I have to redefine or reshape my ideas of feminism in the context of being a mother. Especially a mother of a girl! I worry about this a lot, actually. I guess for me I will always be discrete about breastfeeding. Now I just need to re-tool how that fits into my ideals. Because I do not