
I can definintely get on board with new moms supporting each other. It's really hard work.

I appreciate your response. I did not consider it in this context that you mention. I don't know what the answer is. I still feel like discretion in public is a good thing. But not to the extent that it limits women or makes them decide to stop breastfeeding in the way you explained it. I don't think I would ever ask

Actually, I stand by my stance on discretion in regard to public breast feeding. It was unreasonable of me to compare it to mandals and thus trivialize the issue in that way. That said, I have learned a lot here and am glad (for the most part, minus the really hurtful posts) to have started the discussion.

I will give this some thought, and I have already since posting. I don't believe my advoacy for the position of modesty or discretion comes from a place of shame. There is no shame in keeping some things private, nor does all of that come from the many, many, MANY negative cultural "norms" imposed on us by the

I hear you. I understand that all too often, as women, we are the ones who are asked to make the concessions whether we want to or not. But in regard to this issue, I give by feeding my child as privately and discretely as possible. Apparently I shouldn't have used the word modest, because in reality I did not

I fully agree that the mandals comparison was weak. I'm not outraged by women breastfeeding in public. I too save my true outrage for the fact that laws keep getting passed in this country restricting women's access to health care and factory farming (to name just two). I was just calling for a wee bit of discretion

Honestly, I'd rather have been called a cunt than some of the other shit on this thread. I may have advocated for modesty (not really realizing how loaded that word is) and discretion, but I do have a yen for the dramatic from time to time.

Thank you!!!! I really do feel like breastfeeding my child is an intimate activity, but I would never advocate legislating what another woman can do with her body or child. We are complicated and frankly balls-out amazing creatures. But damn, we need to work on this constructive discussion stuff.

Well, there were things said to that effect. But I guess that's my own sensitivity. I don't think I am categorically wrongheaded or misguided for calling for modesty in public, but I probably should have used the word "discrete" instead. I had never really considered modesty as a concept linked to repression, and I

I'm not defending the woman in the video, just making a statement overall about public breastfeeding. Not to be a whiner, but it's damn hard being a woman and a mother these days. And for some reason, breastfeeding is one of those issues that overall should be a non-issue among women- either you do it, or you don't,

AMEN!!! And I'm a mom too, but no respect. None. WTH?? My choice is different than yours, but obviously I'm an asshole.

I think I got the message about the blanket thing, thanks. My baby has only just started to grab on things around her and yank. I don't think boobs are icky. But I do think that they, like breastfeeding, are personal. I'm not saying women should be mandated to do anything. But, if you choose to breastfeed in public,

No. Not even close. Just a personal preference.

Oh, and I was not disappointed was I? Whew.

No, my little Peach doesn't run really hot. So, I guess I am lucky in that respect. And she's only just now starting to grab things and yank them around. I'm not saying women should be TOLD to cover up, I just consider breastfeeding to be very personal and private. That's behind my call to modesty here. I'm not

As far as the mandals issue goes, I'm not looking for a pedicure. Just clipping the toenails. It's totally my own issue (and something that has even been discussed on Jezebel). I don't think it's body snarking or making fun of men simply because 5 minutes with a cheap toenail clipper pretty much solves the problem. I

Nursing doesn't both me. It's the women who make it a big spectacle and expect me to applaud them in public. I choose to be more private. My choice, my opinion.

As many have pointed out, I should have chosen a better analogy. I'm not defending the woman in the video. I'm just saying that a little bit of consideration goes a long way in society. To me, breastfeeding is very personal and something I choose to do in as much privacy as possible. In my opinion, some women do have

In retrospect, not the best analogy. I agree. As someone else said, it's comparing a crime of fashion to a natural act. And that's not what I intended.

To me, modesty just means not making a spectacle of it all. I'm not offended by a baby feeding at a mother's breast. I guess I am just offended by the militant breastfeeding contingent that really puts it out there all the time and everywhere. Many women are not like this. But some are. To me, breastfeeding is a very