
I agree with you. I should have chosen a better example. It wasn't well thought out. I'm not talking about crimes of fashion. It was a ham-fisted attempted at trying to be a little light. I don't feel like my idea of modesty comes from a repressive place. And I certainly am completely against the repression of women

Call me out all you want. But don't make it a personal attack and say I need therapy or that I am a prude. You're right, I knew what I was getting into. Shame on me for having an opinion that covering up can be a good thing sometimes. Shame on me for having a child of my own and attempting to do the same.

Yeah, sorry. Not staring at your chest. Not even close.

Did I use the word "indecent?" Nope. Nor am I inconvenienced when women breastfeed in public. But I am calling for a little modesty. I'm not shaming anyone. It's not a shame to feed your child. It's not a shame if you feed your child while you are out and about. I am all about promoting the rights of women, which is

Oh, but don't have a right to be condescending and uptight if I want to be? Of course, I'm not, but that's how you are choosing to take it. And please do not put quote marks around such an asinine statement as if that's exactly what I said. Breasts are fine. They are natural, they are lovely. But no, I don't want to

Mandals = man sandals. Slang. I'm not asserting that my rights are in any way violated. I'm just issuing a call for modesty. Nor am I defending the rec lady. There are better ways to get your point across without being an ass. Oh, wait, that applies to a lot of people on this thread.

I've held plenty of business meetings at a Starbucks, and that is what I am speaking about. Because you're right, no woman I know would ever breastfeed during a corporate meeting. But why not? If it is so natural and so accepted, right? That just brings to bear the point that there is a time and a place for something

Yeah, that's right. I'm a perfect Goddess whose eyes can't be sullied by the plebs around me shoving tits in my face. Grow up.

I want to hug you right now. I knew my comment would start a discussion, but the horrible personal attacks are just too much. Apparently I am a prude, I need therapy, I have issues and I'm just a horrible cunt. I am a mom with a three month old and I too have fed her in public and modestly (I hope). And thank God

I know you didn't, which is why I replied to you. I'm not overly familiar with this new format yet, but I will look into that dismiss feature. Breastfeeding IS about food. I am all for nourishing your child in the best possible way. And many women are modest, but some aren't. I just get rankled by the attitude that

I'm mainly pissed by the personal attacks. Opinions and open discussions are great. Telling me I need therapy and I'm an idiot are just ridiculous.

Yeah, I'm a total bitch for having an opinion. I especially love the personal attacks. You know, because I have a kid and I try to be modest in public I must be a stooge.

I knew that my comment would cause and shit storm, and it has. I have a right to my opinions just as everyone else here has theirs. I'm not anti-breastfeeding people!! For fucks sake. I'm not uneducated, I'm not a prude, I haven't bought into the patriarchal bullshit. I know babies squirm, I know that sometimes my

Technically, I find men with unkempt feet wearing sandals to be a little gross. I do not find breastfeeding gross. And sure I could look elsewhere, and often do. Just as someone breastfeeding could put a little blanket over her bare breasts in public while feeding just as easily. I'm not saying women have to stop

I'm sure I'll get blasted for this, but here goes... I am a mom to a 3-month-old. So I get the need to feed. It's important. It's natural. But really, I don't think it's too much to ask someone to cover it up in public. Politely. It shouldn't escalate into a brawl. And if the person refuses, then you should just walk

I wish people would be more sensitive about shit that matters in this country. Homelessness, hunger, pollution, animal rights, I could go on. Why smokers remain the butt (ha, ha) of so much ire is beyond me. I used to smoke and now find it kind of nasty, but I also have been known to pick my nose in public, which is

Amen. And pfffft on the argument about tobacco buying Congress. EVERY business buys Congress. We should ban coal-fired power plants too. I'm sorry, but a hole in the ozone layer is a lot bigger problem than whether or not someone smokes right next to me on a park bench. How about all of us who drive cars powered by

I agree. Especially when these laws are so damn arbitrary. Some vices- like drinking- are totally fine. Others, like smoking? Going straight to hell!!! Government is already getting its pound of flesh by charging so much for tobacco products. Of course, it has its grubby fingers all over alcohol too. I'm just sick and

Thank you very much! I appreciate the response. Guess I'll just hang in there and keep trying.

I was previously not-grey, then we moved to this format and now I am grey. Do you have to "earn" your gold star like you did last time? Can anyone help me understand this at all? Or is it truly arbitrary and capricious??