
No, because they aren't based here in the South. We fry everything! BTW, fried twinkies are nasty!

I'm thinking that data might just be true. NC just cut all teacher assistant positions, soooo..... Lalalalalala! Good times.

That Fabrizio Moretti must have MAD dick skills, otherwise there is no accounting for his ability to snatch up one of these wonderful, talented and beautiful women. Because honey, it ain't his looks. Ooops. Should I have said he must have a great personality? I can't think so because none of his relationships ever

Although I don't like your tone, I'll say it: I am overweight because I eat too much and in order to support my family I work a pretty sedentary job with long hours and a lot less time to exercise than I'd like. But that doesn't mean I should get bullied about it or made to feel like less of a smart, funny, beautiful

She deserves better. But then again, she needs to stand up for herself too.

Me too. I am heartily sick of seeing strong women "stick by their men" for some unknown reason in the world of politics. I mean, I'm all for trying to work through issues. After one failed marriage, I wouldn't throw my second away lightly. BUT, Mr. Groupie knows that if some of this Spitzer shit went down in my house

No, we're not SC.... YET. But we'll be there soon. Had SC not just voted up that crook Sanford again, I'd say we were on par. I actually think NC is worse than AL, MS, LA (hear me out a sec...) because we try to masquerade like we are more liberal and less backwards, but it's just a facade. At least the other Southern

Pickiness is not the same as being judgmental. Not at all. Nor is it the harbinger of elitism. I think you are being too hard on yourself and drawing parallels that are not exactly in synch, at least in my opinion. In my mind, pickiness is knowing your own worth and respecting yourself enough to make choices that lead

Sneaky shit? Oh, no my friend. NC comes by its rampant conservatism quite naturally. That this recent outrage is happening here surprises me not a bit. As I posted below in a thread, NC has a history of this kind of behavior because apparently anyone with a brain doesn't vote for our elected officials. I've lived here

Woah, woah, woah.... I'm also a NC resident and I can't help but strenuously dispute your characterization of our state as "quite liberal." Where on earth do you live? I live in Charlotte, arguably the most urban city in NC. Not the most liberal, the most urban. Most of our state laws are so antiquated and

I love that you met your hubs online too and have found a wonderful relationship! My hubs too can't keep a secret to save his life, which has enormously improved my tendency to be a non-stop people pleaser. Kudos to you both!!!

Oh, yes. I've had tremendous luck. In fact, I met my hubs online and we are going on 8 years now and have a lovely little girl. The questions I would ask you are: what site are on and what are your expectations? For me, I just wanted to have fun. So I went out with a variety of men even if they didn't strictly play to

Yep. You have to be willing to take a chance. Not a RISK, but a chance. Besides, I always found that people who didn't look awesomely hot in their photos were often much more attractive in person. You have to be willing to put in the work to reap the rewards. Same as anything else in this life.

Agreed! Online dating was the best! It was like going shopping each and every day. Sure, I met some duds. But no one dangerous (probably because I took very reasonable precautions and listened intently to my gut). Hell, when the going got tough I just added up what these guys had spent on me. Shallow? Maybe. But it

Yeah, you should feel so ashamed. Do you even love your child?? AGH!!!!!!! I ended up with a C-section too. So what? The Peach is safe and healthy and I survived. I call that a WIN.

Yeah, that line made me want to rip that guy a new one. Do I even have to remind him that prior to all of these CRAZY, INSANE and apparently SHAME-inducing "Western medical ideas" came into play (hand washing, anyone?), more women died as a result of childbirth than from the bubonic plague (thanks Western medicine for

I completely and wholeheartedly agree with everything you put in this post. I too tired of dating men in "real life," as if meeting in a bar half-soused is by any measure more "real" than not- but whatever. I threw all of my fucks to the wind and decided to go the honest route too. Honest description of my weight (on

This just goes to show that literally nothing is new under the sun. Back in the 1850s-60s there was the Cult of Motherhood which basically relied on this premise- women make men better people (and thus should stay in the home to raise better children, blah, blah, barf). And now it's back, of course it is. At this

Sweet Baby Jesus these are HORRIBLE.

That Anne Boelyn tweet really chaps my ass. Why? Because she gave birth to arguably the greatest monarch England has ever had, or will have- Queen Elizabeth I!! They don't call her reign the "Golden Age" for nothing. I don't know who that Ben Jacobs is, but he's an arse (yes, me trying for some Brit humor).