
HEARD. And done! I love my child, but long after she is grown up and out of the house, I still want to have my lady bits intact.

No. Let me state for the record: You are not alone. In fact, I had to bully my doctors into giving me an elective C-section because everyone pushes the natural shit on you. My body, my child, my choice. They finally gave in, but I had to be a bit of a bitch about it. Ok, a lot of a bitch about it. And let me tell you

THIS is the kind of thing I wish I had known, but no one speaks of. In fact, my cycle still isn't regular after almost three months and weird brown, gunky, slimy stuff still emerges. It's gross. My baby is wonderful, my vagina is still revolting from the experience.

I'm definitely not advocating doing it EVERY time you can't get off. There are plenty of times when you should just say, it's not happening tonight babe. I'm just saying that very, very occasionally I don't think it's a bad thing. But you are more than entitled to your opinion on the subject.

It IS magic! Even better when you go to a local BBQ place down here (in NC- our food is great, our politicians suck) and they make you a handmade cherry lemon Sun Drop! You could probably do it at home with grenadine and Sun Drop. Super delish drink for summer.

Glad you caught it! I'm studying Con Law right now so it seemed particularly apt. Too bad I can't spell worth a shit! Egads!! I re-read that post and my Type-A self cringed. Ah, well....

I'm really glad you added the narrow exception to your rant. Let's call it the "strict scrutiny" test for sexual encounter. There must be a necessary and compelling reason for a woman to fake it. And in the case of the long-term relationship where you are sexually satisfied on the whole and the majority of the time, I

Bahahahahaha! I'm totally cribbing "metallic death water with brown food coloring." Nailed it. Same for Coke Zero, which I'm pretty sure is the same as Diet Coke just in a different can to fool us dumb 'mericans.

Dug my heels in about this shit too. Dr. Pepper Ten can kiss my beautiful white ass for it's terrible marketing scheme.

Sadly, you are neglecting the tastes of the South my friend. I'm pretty sure you have to be born in North America, well, southern North America to enjoy sodas such as Sun-Drop, Diet Sun-Drop, Cherry Lemon Sundrop and Cheerwine. Yuuuuummmmy.

YESSSSS! Diet Sunkist rules! As does Diet Vernor's. What doesn't rock is Diet Coke. Blech.

My mother-in-law laid this classic on me right before my baby Peach was born, I guess it was supposed to make me feel better about the fact that I was about to give birth to a baby that wasn't going to look like much: "ugly in the cradle, pretty at the table." Nice, huh? But I guess people back in the day were much

Hate Robin Thicke too. Is it wrong that I also enjoy, "I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one?" If a dude in real life told me that, I'd tear his misogynistic throat out. But in the dulcet tones of Jay-Z, it's cool.

In 1940's parlance, they would have called that a "dipsy doodle." That's a REAL grandpappy reference for you!

Thank you. Lawyer here too. That was making my fingers twitchy, but you did the heavy lifting. You're not that "fucking awful person." Sure, we're widely reviled as bottom feeders. But not this time, not this day....

My thoughts exactly. Perhaps JT is living in a bubble, but he pays a LOT of people to take care of business for him.

I'll start by saying I don't agree with the verdict. However, what I don't see a lot of in the discussion is the fact that the State of Florida put on a terrible case! It's not just a matter of an all-white female jury making a misguided call because they have vaginas and aren't black. This has always been a

Quote me on this: Alito can go suck a dick!

Although the justices are reluctant to completely reverse a SCOTUS decision, they have allowed plenty of other cases to take nips and bites out of Roe v. Wade. Where that case established abortion as a "fundamental right" for women, subsequent cases have erroded that to abortion now being a quasi-fundamental right (I

Am I the only one who can't see past Andrew Garfield's incredibly teeny tiny head? I mean, really, it's the size of my infant's and she's two months old.