
Is it just me, or is JLo starting to look like a third-world dictator's wife?

I notice people's feet ALL the time! I don't consider myself a fetishist, but perhaps I am subconsciously. I go through a lot of time and trouble to groom my hooves (yes, stole this reference from the author- btw, excellent wordsmithing) and I guess I expect people to do the same. Not that I pay someone, I do it

Yep. I still find myself checking on the Peach in the middle of the night to make sure she's still breathing. Insanity? You bet.

Wait until the Mom Guilt kicks in, especially if you have to go back to work. But seriously, all you need to do is love them and take reasonable precautions. Oh, and don't listen to every asshole who feels they need to comment on your parenting choices. I'm amazed at how many baby experts I now encounter on a daily

My pediatrician just told me that all of this flat-head hysteria is a ploy by the helmet makers to sell grossly overpriced pieces of round-shaped plastic (imagine that!). They can cost up to $5k! While some children may have a flat spot that needs this kind of dramatic correction, most don't. My little Peach has a bit

Hahahahah! Agreed as to the wipe warmer. We got one and then heard horror stories of people whose kids get addicted to a warm ass wipe and scream bloody murder getting their diaper changed elsewhere because the wipes aren't the perfect temperature. Hell, we even give our baby lukewarm formula for the same reason. I

In addition to how appalling this is on the level of how looks-obsessed our society has become, it's yet another sign of how weird we are for wanting them to grow up way too fast! Baby wigs, baby string bikinis, for real??? I like that I can call my two-month old daughter "fuzz head." She's cute as can be! I don't

One word: Fugly.

My first thought on reading the headline about the amount of money Beyonce and Jay-Z spent on North West was this: "Is that all?" Seems remarkably restrained of them. Or perhaps it is a backhanded diss. Am I the only one who thought that??

The private loans I got to fund my law school education have a LOWER rate than my federal loans! WTH! Just another reason to vote all of these damn jokers out of office. Ridiculous!!!

I'm surprised that not a lot of people on this thread seem to like Amy Schumer. What I find most compelling about her comedy is that a lot of it is really self-depricating. Someone called it the "evil narcissist" female character, and there may be splashes of it from time to time, but I don't get that from the

"Anthropomorphic pile of garment trimmings...." Genius! Perfect description of HBC!!

A lot of people here on this thread are calling for Brand to apologize for his crass sexist responses. That's hogwash! And let me tell you why... these journalists are paid to set the tone and manage the interview. And they sure did. They made it incredibly clear they were wasting Brand's time and their viewers' time

I think he was responding in the heat of the moment. And it's not like he isn't crass as a general rule. I don't condone the low-brow nature of his response, but he was being needled relentlessly by these interviewers and lashed out. The core of the responsiblity in this scenario, at least to me, resides squarely with

This is the best, and most rational comment, in this thread. No party here comes off smelling like a rose. While I found Brand's retorts tasteless and sexist, he was being pushed by very unprofessional and rude interviewers. I don't condone his low brow response, but for any of us to act like we haven't done the same

I love how virtually no one in this country takes the time to read and/or comprehend our Constitution. You are completely correct- the fallout from Deen's comments are consequences. Additionally, we also have something called the Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment. This was written to prevent people from

UGH! The ignorance of some lawyers! The sausage products of which Mr. Billips speaks is spelled "Jimmy Dean." Not "Deen." I could try to throw him a bone by saying he was doing it intentionally to needle her, but I'd probably be giving him too much credit. More related to the topic, Paula Deen can kiss my ass. And

Except, here's the problem.... The story of Native Americans in the U.S. is way too grim to draw enough viewers for these studios to make money. Do you think "Trail of Tears" is going to do well with the test audiences? I'm thinking not. Movie makers would have to dig pretty deep to find something "hilarious" and

McCarthy has been a walking cliche for some time now. Ugh, indeed!

I am soooo in love with Paul Rudd. LOVE.