You want banned try this
You want banned try this
My favorite story about Life of Brian was that it was banned in Norway for being blasphemous, so Sweden advertised it as, “the movie so funny it was banned in Norway.”
My favourite movie quote. Ever.
He is and editor, not a writer.
You wasted my precious click!
I would say electrical failure will make things far worse than no speedo in a new Tesla.
There’s also a photo of her blistered hand, but honestly, it’s a bit much. Click here to see it.
That explosion must have been really bad, look what is has done to her eyes, she’ll never see clearly again!
I’m sorry, but in what world are these photos graphic? Also, the blistered finger? This is why people say we’ve gone too far in nannying everyone.
“Wanting characters to identify with” implies an inability to identify with what is being offered. If your child only identifies with characters who look like him/her, you’ve failed as a parent. Children should be taught to identify with actions, words, deeds, etc. — not skin color, gender, or perceived background.
I have no opinion on Ghost in the Machine, I never read it and most likely will never see the movie. I’m a white male in America - nearly everything is made to appeal to me in one way or another. My thoughts on this video:
Even more ridiculous considering anime characters don’t look asian at all.
The only problem is this mistaken and culturally-poisonous viewpoint that someone needs to look the same as you do in order or identify with them.
I have to admit that was my first thought. They deserve prison, but thirteen years seems strong.
But also, fuck ‘em. It’s the worst combination of dumb, hateful and scary shit to pull.
13 years is no joke though. They’ll have a long damn time to think about it.
Slight lol at the “It wasn’t me” Shaggy defense
Crude, but you get the idea.
Sure the night nurse was impressed, but what of the butler, chef and groundskeepers?!
At the very least you don’t joke about people being forced into life or death situations, yeah? They might not have been making a stand or anything, but they sure don’t deserve to have what they went through be something you talk about for a cheap laugh. Especially considering the vast number that didn’t come back.