Quantum Suicide

I still think it was better than the movie version with Brad Pitt though

I’m Dutch and I can safely say that this Mecking is full of NIKS. What a load of bullshit. Just take a single word from a language no one outside that country understands and turn it in some fashionable buzzword and let the money flow.

Rose Tico is my new Jar Jar Binks and a certain part of the movie felt like I was watching The Hunger Games. Humor is a big part of the SW movies, but the timing of some over the top jokes in TLJ was way off. It was far better than TFA imho, but I’m not as overwhelmed as most people around me were when leaving the

So a racist app like this gets approved by the app stores? Also, America, you guys are hilarious.

Don’t give a f*** about the International Astronomical Union. I’ll take Pluto, Eris and Ceres above Mercury everytime. Mercury is more boring than our own Moon. Also, they should be called “Little people planets” instead of Dwarf planets. Don’t want to insult minorities these days.

I hate his guts (specially after his whisky fail). But as a European (so non native English speaker) I can somewhat imagine how you can fuck up while swearing in another language and saying something stupid like that. Doesn’t immediately makes you a full blown racist. Just as calling people motherfuckers doesn’t make

As a European this story sounds even more absurd. Not knowing how to drive a stick? Most Americans must really suck at driving.

The word Douche was specifically created for people like this turd.

And here I was, thinking this was just one of the many weird freemason handshakes.

“private Caucasian conversations when people of color aren’t present”. Yes, because that is what we do. We are all secretly closet KKK enthusiasts. Please explain to me what the concept of racism and discrimination is while at the same time accusing every lighter skinned person of it. I would really like to now how

The amount of generalized hate towards all white people in this topic is fucking hilarious. Not being able to see the irony in that proves each person spreading that kind of message is a stupid a’hole.

what does the map image show? I can’t find a relation with your article. Looks like a random map of the world with stars

Don’t worry, a super awesome 3D HUD everybody will want, will be one of the 100 possible upgrades, making your Tesla 3 super expensive after all.

Jezus wat een domme kutkneus.

Contents of Stimpack sound a lot like the same stuff that’s found in Yerba Mate. It might be an acquired taste, but if you like it, it is very enjoyable to drink. Perhaps good quality CBD oil or CBD e-liquid can have some positive effect as well. It makes me both relaxed and very sharp at the same time, which works

It is not funny because he abuses his wealth to make people do stupid things. The exact message on the cardboard isn’t even relevant. This sucks just as much as Bumfights did back in the days. I’m glad my brains developed a bit more and I now see why shit like that is NOT funny. I can’t blame kids for not

Were you secretly filming feminine me, while I was reading that story? 

You live in a country/work at a place where shit like that can actually get you in trouble? Seriously?

I haven’t seen Rogue One yet, so it is hard to criticize his review (and my Chinese has never been good either), but you convinced me when I read how much he likened Attack of the Clones. Worst SW movie ever with one of the worst performances by any actor I’ve ever seen in my life by Hayden Christensen. 

Scary thing here in Holland is that we have a similar ‘angry white men’ group growing over the years but luckily don’t have a 2-party system and up until recently even most people in that part of society thought Trump and his supporters were mainly idiots and far more extreme than their counterparts here in Holland,