
OK, totally off topic, but you did bring it up. I don't understand the fascination with anal sex. My wife is very, shall we say, "pliable" in bed. Anal sex is readily available if I desire. Well, I've tried it, and I have to say that the novelty wears off quickly. Does the smell of feces really turn people on? I

VOTE: VideoReDo TVSuite

I read that the exact same way as you. Marital breakdown for the win!

I wore out my wife long ago, but as per the article, you still need to ask yourself: did you get your money's worth? When it comes to women, sadly, the answer is usually "no".

Have children. Your life will never be boring again. 3 kids... I can't remember the last time I didn't have 20 things to do on a weekend.

Instead of hauling multiple loads of leaves to the curb, use a mulching mower. It's healthier for the lawn and easier than bagging them. If you have too many to mulch in, blow them into one area of the lawn, run over them with the mulching mower a couple of times until they are finely ground. Then put on the bag

The only downside is your next of kin deciding whether to donate your organs or not after some clueless driver in a minivan clips you at highway speeds. When it comes to MVA's, mass rules and motorcycles are on the losing end of the equation. Sorry to be Debbie-downer... just trying to save your life.

That's the media talking. I visited the OWS crowd last week, not as a protester but more as a curious observer. Their message of frustration with corporate take-over of government, bailouts, greed, and lack of social justice in America is a pretty strong theme in of itself. I think a lot of regular people do get

Mom had bilateral breast cancer. My dog died of probable cancer. Knew several co-workers... dead of leukemia and prostate ca respectively. My son's classmate... brain cancer in grade 2. Yeah, mere words don't give it enough emphasis: fuck you cancer.

Got a job? Then get a credit card. Buy everything with it that you would normally pay cash for, but make damn sure you only buy what you can afford to pay cash for. Pay off the monthly charges religiously to avoid any interest. You will achieve two things this way: 1) Establish an excellent credit rating for that

Why I care about AOL: owners of WinAmp

Not just boys. i bring my 2 year old daughter to the river by our house, and she spends the next 30 min tossing rocks in the water. You couldn't pry her away with a crowbar. There's something genetic about the sound of a rock plopping in a river that's hardwired into (most) kids.

I doubt this would work. Most of the electricity would travel through the metal of the chair, bypassing the relatively higher resistance of clothing and skin, and simply trip the breaker. She might get a nasty shock before the breaker tripped, but you'd have to jimmy the panel to keep the current flowing long enough

The only thing I care about is whether or not Apple will admit they screwed up and bring back the backlit keyboard that was quietly dropped from the last generation of MBA's. (Writing this from a darkened room waiting for my 2 year old to stop fussing and go to sleep.)

Email attachments are free...

The design is similar to other high end speakers that seek to place the tweeter outside of the main cabinet for better sound. Form follows function (and it does look cool as well). The cone on top does, however, lower the WAF.*

It's cheating a bit, but just make Google Calendar a desktop app. Mac: Fluid + GCal; PC: Prism + GCal. Both will make any web service a psueo-desktop app.

It's cheating a bit, but just make Google Calendar a desktop app. Mac: Fluid + GCal; PC: Prism + GCal. Both will make any web service a psueo-desktop app.

Axes are for chopping... mauls are for splitting. Many people get this confused. [www.woodheat.org]

Remember kids. If you're going to be dumb enough to steal a laptop, at least be smart enough to wipe all partitions and reinstall the OS.